Hey! I'm a dad!!

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I lovin' Jack chillin in the lid. Very nice, man. And the PDA pampers shot is priceless.

I gotta tell you, babies sort of freak me out. Honestly, there is actually no "sort of" about it.

I've seen all of my friends have them, and raise them, and nurture them, and teach them and love them...and it still amazes me that it all comes together, and usually, somehow works. Powerful stuff, parenthood. I'm so not cut out for it. Its just become so easy to simply not have kids all of these 43 years - so I never have. And now, after about 2 years of trying, it looks like its not going to happen for us. I'm OK with that. But the pix shook me up. In a good way, but a deep way.

Knowing I'll likley never be a father, and seeing this tiny, precious little guy and thinking about all that you and mom went through just to get this far, and how impossibly and wonderfully long the road ahead together will be - I totally well up, man. My prayers are with you.

This is a very, very important thing you've done here - you've made another little So Cal!

After he's home and everything is OK, you and Jack have to have the Rule 6 talk....what is with that rig?? :D

Seriously, all the best. This is awesome.

Congrats to you and the Mrs. The picture with the ring is priceless and when the little one grows up your little man will be amazed. Please give our best to your wife.
Many congratulations! I hope both mom and son are still doing well.

I cannot wait to have some of my own. I smile at just the thought of getting to hold my newborn. I don't know what it feels like yet, but I'm sure it will be one of the most emotional and happiest moments of my life.

Best wishes for happy years to come!
WOWEE! What a small one! You are truely lucky and blessed. My thoughts are with you and I hope you get to have him home soon! :)

PaulB - there are no words to describe. Its surreal at first then it slowly... slowly sinks in.. then your in awe.
Best wishes and congratulations....I hope all ends up well for you guys...

A good friend of mine just went through a similar experince about 4 months ago, and both mom and baby are doing GREAT. I wish you guys the best
To Mom, Dad, and Baby

The happiest (and most stressfull) moments of my life were when my children were born. I take that back, they grow up and then the stress really starts. In all honesty, I am proud of both my children, now 22 and 20 years old. I can tell you are proud of your son. Love him always and let him know that you do. It's more important than you may think. He's a cutie.


What a beautiful baby! You have some priceless pictures, that in twenty years your little guys will look back on in awe that he was so small!

Congrats to both of you, and I hope that everything continues to go well! :)

To the mother and father. Hope he'll like the water as much as his dad.

Hey, are you landlocked for the foreseable future?
I, too, was a preemie, but not that small --- but that was a medical eternity ago, and so much more is possible now! Just see how big I've become (gasp!) Keep your spirits up, and once again, congratulations!

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