I don't think the diving is all that great around Charleston. Once you get below Wilmington, the bottom becomes flatter the further south you go and the shoreline goes west.. There are still a lot of sites off the Myrtle Beach area, but once you get below Pauley's Island, there just aren't many dive sites. The most popular one in the Charleston area is the Cooper River, which is a difficult dive. I actually had a friend a couple of years younger than me to have a heart attack and die while diving it a few years ago. It is black water with very strong currents from what I understand. People find a lot of Megalodon teeth there, but I have no desire whatsoever to dive it.Thanks for this post. I had forgotten about Moorhead City. I was thinking of heading further South, like maybe Charleston, but it might be a good idea to add MC back to my list of possibles. It’s amazing how many likely places I’ve forgotten over the last decade or so since I was diving a lot!
From the Beaufort/Morehead City area to Wilmington, there are lots of great dive sites. Olympus out of Morehead and Discovery Diving out of Beaufort are both excellent dive ops. There are few dive ops in Wilmington but the only one I've used there is Aquatic Safaris.
Here is a link to Scuba Earth on Dive Buddy. It is centered on Myrtle Beach so shows dive sites from Wilmington to Charleston. You should be able to click on the map to see the dive sites anywhere in the world.

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The Original Scuba Earth by is an interactive scuba diving map of dive sites, dive centers, charter boats, scuba divers, events and dive clubs from all around the world.