Hey Blue32 - about that book

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Plano, Texas
The name of that book I mentioned last Friday is "The Last Dive" by Bernie Chowdhury.

It's an excellent book on SCUBA, based on real people and events.

As the name implies, it doesn't have a happy ending.

Check it out, I think you will like it. It is one of the better dive related books I have read. IMHO :D
Thanks, I remembered the title but forgot the author. Are there any other dive related books you recommend? Or just ocean/water related books. I love to read, just hard to find the time, takes me weeks to finish a book. I mostly like fiction, I'm a big Stephen King fan. :maniac:
I took it with me on the late august trip to read at night. It gives a great account of cave and deep diving history along with the lives of the Rouses.

Another book which I am glad I read before the last dive was "Deep Descent"

Blue, if you like Stephen King you might like this. It is not the Pet Cem. but it is a true and full account years of diving on one of the hardest of dives out there. It does entail number sad endings which are examined from the standpoint of how do ew prevent this from occurring again. They are graphic accounts.

Both are good books and envolve several overlapping people and divesites.


Oh, I just started reading helldivers rodeo, and so far it is fairly interesting. It sounds like a bunch of cajun hunters who pcik up spear guns and head to the rigs bouncing up and down to 200+ ft trying to stick several hundred pound fish which then try to swim off with the divers, etc.....the first 20 pages have been a rollercoaser ride so far.

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