Just noticed this thread...
First of all- I think everything is streitned with me and Uwsince79, in the original thread. He thought I was rediculing one of the things he said there, while it wasn't so (but did seem so, becouse I used the 300 dives term he first implied). Actualy, on the point with the 300 dives, I totaly agree with him (well, maibe 200 should be enough) and so with most of the other points he made. I was upset though, by something a guy named "spydertek" wrote and I am still waiting for his answer.
About regulation- read the my thread "recreational diving law". I think it did only good to the divers and diving industry of israel.
About uncertified divers-most of the uncertified divers in Israel are spear-fishers. There are about two or three cases of seriouse accidents happening to those guys here every year, usualy ending with death. Considering the fact that there are maibe 5000 divers of this sort here, probobly a lot less, it is quite a lot, not to mention the less seriouse accidents. In all of these accidents, off course, the divers have to pay the bills out of their own pockets, as they have no insurance (it is usualy in thousands of dollars).
Another point-Uwsince79- How many accidents were there back in the days when people dived without agencys?
-A lot.
And one last thing-
Throwing some mud on eachother isn't neseserily bad...
There's a saying, that goes something like: "After wrestling for some time with a pig in the mud, you come to see that he quite enjoys it".
It was toled to me by my all time dive guru, when he found out I kept drowing him to foolish arguments, only to make him mad.