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Lake Worth, Fl

you wrote- "Don’t take as an example what happened 20-30 years ago. The diving world was different than."

I agree In some ways yes but in other ways I say no no.

you wrote-"Who is to say who is good enough to teach scuba?
One may decide that because he's done 30 dives and very smart, can teach his kids, another after 50 dives and another after 500 dives. There's no end to it."

I do believe that I agree with you again once more. I must add this, It is the individual who makes up the instructor. But it is the instructors that make up the industry.

You also wrote "Than there's the "second generation" no certification divers, those that were trained by un-certified divers. Who can guarantee any minimal skills/knowledge in these?"

Who on earth do you think started the agencies you all teach for. I said in the opening of my post that I agree that an instructor is the way to go. But please! I dive and learn from every dive, still to this day. I dive and have been taught by both professionals and non-professionals alike. But MOST OF MY SKILLS have been taught to me by non- professionals. BECAUSE THERE WERE NO INSTRUCTORS AT THE LEVELS WE WERE DIVING. Most of what I was taught over 10 years ago are just becoming standards now!!!! Do you think EAN or Technical was embraced by you industry? PLEASE. Go find some back copies of Aquacorps and see what the industry just thought of Nitrox. As far as knowledge goes, I will go up against anyone or any time. What is the worst thing that can happen, I learn something new? Every time I have ever dove with someone, they have asked me to dive with them again or to help them with some aspect of diving. Now these are just words so, if you find yourself in S Fla. Drop me a line and lets go diving!

You also stated- "To imply that even someone with 300 (or for this matter 3000) dives, is not qualified to teach untill properly trained."

What I said was: “I do not advocate the teaching of scuba by anyone other than a qualified Instructor and under no way do I think, Instructor or not, do you have any business teaching with less than at least 300 dives under your belt and none of them double dipped in order to meet some qualification standard. (There are those of you out there that know what I mean.)” Does that qualify you to teach? H**l NO. Does it give you some time in the water, and time to experience some of what diving has to offer? I THINK, It might. What I am advocating is a higher standard for someone to become an instructor. Did I say 300 dives gives to the knowledge to teach? Of course not, teachers are there own special breed.

Then you wrote-"Let's talk panic. When instructing new students, there's quite a risk of someone panicking. An instructor, that has dealt with these situations, will handle it right. Anyone else, even a rescue diver, may not get the picture on time. It takes a lot of experience, in INSTRUCTING to recognize all the problems a student may have, before he even has it. And seeing these things is one of the things that makes a good instructor."

Now you have struck a nerve, to think the arrogance of you an Instructor the only one qualified to deal with the situation is utter BS! “Anyone else, even a rescue diver, may not get the picture on time.” HA, I had to help an Instructor and his student not 3 weeks ago. And had to save an DM who almost drowned less that a month ago. And on Monday I had a DM run out of air at 115 FSW. SO don’t feed this board a bunch of nonsense about Instructors being the end all. Give DAN a call and see who ends up Jammed up the most. Might be an eye opening call for you. Yes instructors are taught to recognize problems and deal with STUDENTS, but so can anyone with proper experienced of course this is MY OPINION.

You stated- "An instructor has gone through certain levels of diving, and was tested, to make sure he is up to certain standards. Those aren't the toughest around, but still, he has to make it. Anyone else isn't even tested for these standards."

You are taught to teach and to assist students not to be a good diver, plane and simple. A good diver comes with time.

And you wrote- "You want to teach your kid how to dive?
here's an idea- Why don't YOU go for an instructor course?
I know quite some people who did instructor course just to be able to teach their kids.
Oh yeah, the $$$. Go kill your kidd to save some."

Now I too and a very proud dad, and I know you are trying to make a point but telling anyone to kill their child and save some money just goes to show the level of professionalism you are at.

You owe the man an apology, period!
This is a continuation of the thread started by Bobb Diving Uncertified

Uwsince79 - this has been a very heated thread on the board as it brings out the best and worst in people at the same time - wanting to look out for both the qualified and un-qualified.

You make some valid points about how the agencies were started by non-proffessional divers...but we arent talking about the past - we're talking about today where people have to reach a certain level and standard before going out and teaching.

From what I understand on Bobb's situation, he is an O/W Diver. No offence intended for Bobb, but at O/W I do not think any diver (whether 30 divers 03 3000) is capable of training an unqualifed....simply down to the fact you are taught a lot thro the AOW, Medic, Rescue, DM, Instructor....and so on. Thats what qualifies you with experience and knowledge thro training of medic techniques and rehearsed and real problems.

Now you have struck a nerve, to think the arrogance of you an Instructor the only one qualified to deal with the situation is utter BS! “Anyone else, even a rescue diver, may not get the picture on time.” HA, I had to help an Instructor and his student not 3 weeks ago. And had to save an DM who almost drowned less that a month ago. And on Monday I had a DM run out of air at 115 FSW. SO don’t feed this board a bunch of nonsense about Instructors being the end all.

Uwsince79 - you think he struck a nerve...this has struck several of mine. For starters, I am not fond of abbriating swearing or swearing for that matter when directing it at someone in particular. Liquid is perfectly allowed to air his views on this board as are you, however, the word tact comes into play. And I agree Liquid did not show much tact in one statement which you pointed out...however, to be fair you havent shown much tact in response.

Now this thread has struck a nerve with many people - i suggest a very large fan is placed infront of all divers involved in it to cool us all off!!!
blow a gasket........we must all stay resonably calm as u have suggested...........I agree whole heartidly with u. Swearing at one another is unproductive and accomplishes nothing..............we will always have our opinions and they may not always agree, but folks a little decorum is called for.

Butch :peace:
If I have offended you, or anyone else on this board by the term "BS", I do apologize. I did not know this forum to be Politically Correct. I am not swearing at someone, just using it as an effective notation of one's point. That point, be it mine, or someone else’s.
To all I am sorry if I have offended the forum. I shall curb my language.
I have been promoting this board for some time to many divers and one point I make it is an open forum to speak ones mind. And I did, as did Liquid, and others. I am not mad, nor upset just providing a point of view that is shared by many in the industry that I know.
I do understand the situation with Bobb and if you follow the thread you will see my recommendation is to seek professional training. As for the qualifications that I hold, they do not make me who I am, as a diver, nor a person (I am not a patch collector).
As for the matter of tact and/ or decorum, a few comments sent me over the edge, and for that, my fingers went flying. I do get heated quite a bit, as I am Italian, and American Indian…hope you get my point…
the mix in my blood gives me a slight temper and poor tolerance to alcohol…

A have great weekend……stay wet…..
Guidelines to this board are being worked on behind the scenes. Believe me, if any of the monitors thought the term "BS" was offensive it would have been taken out.
Let's all just cool off a bit and continue to have fun on here. OK?
I think we all want to be able to type as adults, and have some adult humor, but we just have to keep in the back of our minds that we don't want the board to get trashy. Let's keep the level of class up, that was started in the beginning.
Remember this is a place to share your scuba experiences and share oppinions. But always in the utmost classy way.
I wasnt posting my reply as an arguement...more just a reply! I wasn't looking to start anything with you uwsince79 - i was merely commenting on your comment to the comment the liquid made to Bobb - blimey thats long winded!

Natasha....this is going completely off here - nothing to do with this thread but a point of interest to me, surely as this board is accessible to people under the age of 18 (adult in the uk) surely it would have to be controlled as such? (I was only 17 when I first joined this board so in law here I was still a child). Just a thought that occured to me -x-
Yes, we consider this a "Family" board. Divers under 18 are welcome to read and post. Because of that there are so many regulators that are always working hard to do our jobs. Nudity, profanity, and prejudice will never be tolerated on here.
By the way, I remember when you posted that it was your 18th birthday. I was aware that you were 17 when you joined.
And just to give you a hint how old I am, my son will be 18 in March.
Okay I think this thread as well as the one that started this is pretty much played out. I think everyones opinions on instructors and c-cards and non-trained people teaching others has been covered.

So lets get back to the enjoyment of diving ....
I am on my way to the boat as we speak....
Have a good day everyone...

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