We always pick up balloons and other flotsam on the way to our dive site. Sometimes it takes us twice as long to get anywhere, especially after a holiday that involves ballons. Today we found a plastic trash bag filled with other plastic bags, paper, bottles and two syringes. Naturally, the bag ripped when we picked it up. We had to circle the area for several minutes to retrieve as much trash as possible. We didn't prick ourselves with the needles. It was pretty nasty. Fortunately, the diving was much better.
Despite a layer of dinoflagellates creating a dark red wall of no visibility near the surface, the visibility on the reef was a nice twenty feet.
We also found a few more Red Beard sponges. Pictures at Wreckreational Diving - Hep Cat Dives, Well, Hep-C Anyway
Despite a layer of dinoflagellates creating a dark red wall of no visibility near the surface, the visibility on the reef was a nice twenty feet.
We also found a few more Red Beard sponges. Pictures at Wreckreational Diving - Hep Cat Dives, Well, Hep-C Anyway