For only the second time in the nine years Merry Passage and I have been documenting the Giant Sea Bass aggregation at Hermosa Artificial Reef, we were shut out today. Visibility was only five feet, but none of the big fish showed up while we were there. A juvenile sea lion buzzed me several times, which can be startling in that visibility. I looked for the Torpedo ray in its usual spot but it was nowhere to be found as well, but I did find a Horn shark resting next to a concrete block. Another poor viz dive logged for 2024. I can't remember my last good dive.
Leptogorgia chilensis, Red gorgonian
Corynactis californica
Zalophus californianus, California Sea lion
Phoronis ijimai, Vancouver Phoronid
Neoterebra pedroana, San Pedro Auger
Muricea californica, California Golden gorgonian and Watersipora subtorquata
Spheciospongia confederata, Gray Moon sponge on Spongehenge
Leptogorgia chilensis, Red gorgonian
Corynactis californica

Zalophus californianus, California Sea lion

Phoronis ijimai, Vancouver Phoronid

Neoterebra pedroana, San Pedro Auger

Muricea californica, California Golden gorgonian and Watersipora subtorquata

Spheciospongia confederata, Gray Moon sponge on Spongehenge