I have an old Ikelite strobe. I don't know which one it is - can't find a model number. But when I opened it up, attached to a bunch of wires were two separate battery packs. Each pack is made up of five shrink-wrapped "D" batteries (I think). Two in a row are shrik-wrapped and are glued to another row of three. I can't find anything on the batteries that come up online as replacements. I know they are Energizer and have the numbers 41S40AD111410 and 9450. Any help figuring out how to replace these would be welcome.
I have an old Ikelite strobe. I don't know which one it is - can't find a model number. But when I opened it up, attached to a bunch of wires were two separate battery packs. Each pack is made up of five shrink-wrapped "D" batteries (I think). Two in a row are shrik-wrapped and are glued to another row of three. I can't find anything on the batteries that come up online as replacements. I know they are Energizer and have the numbers 41S40AD111410 and 9450. Any help figuring out how to replace these would be welcome.