Hi Rebecca. Welcome to to the happy fun house!
Hope this helps.
Don't let that bother you too much. There are lots of different opinions flying around here, and just because one particular brand isn't fashionable at the moment doesn't mean it's bad gear. Scubapro and Seaquest both make good gear. The Scubapro MK2/R190 is a good entry level reg roughly equivalent to the other regs you mentioned. The Seaquest Balance and Diva are both good recreational BCs.rjoachi:...our LDS only sells Seaquest and ScubaPro - not a big deal, but not what people mostly talk about on these boards.
Yes, they're all fine. They're all good entry level regs. Of the three, I'd take the Zeagle.rjoachi:What are the differences between the Mares M12 Rebel, Aeris A1, and the Zeagle ZX50D? Our instructor told us that if we were going to buy a regulator we should buy a high end one and then proceeded to regale us with horror stories about having air in the tank but not being able to get it from the regulator. Are these regulators all pretty good?
That's up to you. Comfort is very subjective. I'd suggest trying on lots of different models before choosing one.rjoachi:How comfortable is the Zeagle Brigade for a woman?
It's true that Zeagle is known to have a good warranty and good customer service. But so does Scubapro and several other companies. I've had good luck with Aeris. Mares doesn't have a reputation for being as customer friendly, but of the three regs you mentioned, it's the one you'd most likely be able to drag into any out of the way shop in the Bahamas and get parts and service for it.rjoachi:My father (who took the classes with us) thinks that the zeagle warrenty is the beat all and end all as warrenties go. Are the other companies just as good?
I don't think either of those companies allows retailers to sell directly on the internet. You can probably find both brands on a site like at prices much cheaper than your LDS, but you won't be getting the manufacturers warranty if you buy from someplace other than an authorized dealer, and that's a bad thing. Scubatoys is authorized to sell the brands they carry, and I've had good luck with them.rjoachi:And finally, can you direct me to some websites that sell seaquest or scubapro so I know I'm not getting boned by my LDS
Hope this helps.