I got this one from an old timer looking to get rid of some old gear.
The regulator had an old Mares 2nd stage and an old R095 2nd stage connected to it.
The Yoke screw also says Mares.
I didn't find a Mares regulator looking like this, So these could have been changed at some point.
The serial number says "930772".
The regulator is an unbalanced piston design.
Can anyone identify it? Any info or lead would be welcomed.
The regulator had an old Mares 2nd stage and an old R095 2nd stage connected to it.
The Yoke screw also says Mares.
I didn't find a Mares regulator looking like this, So these could have been changed at some point.
The serial number says "930772".
The regulator is an unbalanced piston design.
Can anyone identify it? Any info or lead would be welcomed.