Help! Comal/San Marcos River Camping

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Well, I could have sworn that the last time we were at the Comal River, we saw people camping in RV's at Landa Park. But, I went to their website, and I didn't find anything about camping there, other than it seems to be prohibited? Soooo... any suggestions from locals or others who have camped the area about where we should go? We want to go Dec. 21-24. We would love to stay right on the river, but if it's not possible, perhaps the San Marcos River? Please help me...
Ann... are you and Don available for possible dives on Wed, Thurs or Friday this week? Take us to the San Marcos river?

Hey we have to work but I am off all of next week.....the only place I know of any camping along the San Marcos River is a place called Leisure Park

but if you dive you would probably need to go in around Joe's Crabshack in town....I don't think there the river is deep enough anywhere else...but I have never been to Leisure park to dive so I don't know.

The Comal is such a short river I think Schlitterbaun and Landa Park has most of the river front enclosed to just swimmer,divers, & tubers.

Here is a link to camping around New Braunfels..but it will probably be along the Guadalupe River
Hey we have to work but I am off all of next week.....the only place I know of any camping along the San Marcos River is a place called Leisure Park
Originally we were supposed to go next week, but an thing called work reared it's ugly head for Donald, so we had to change our plans...

but if you dive you would probably need to go in around Joe's Crabshack in town....I don't think there the river is deep enough anywhere else...but I have never been to Leisure park to dive so I don't know.
Thanks, we don't know the San Marcos river at all. We're just desperate to dive! Can't make it to the Caribbean, so the warmer springs water of the Comal and San Marcos beckon.

Here is a link to camping around New Braunfels..but it will probably be along the Guadalupe River
Yah, found lots of sites on the net that were along the Guadalupe. I suppose we could camp there and drive to dive. Got any suggestions about that?

You can choose one of the sites that is closer to town maybe somewhere on River Rd or around Gruene....then you can just drive to the know the town is small so it really wouldn't be that far...the only place I have camped was at slumber falls on River rd. Here is a link to one of the campgrounds near Slumber Falls it is really the prettiest area to camp (along River Rd.)
Went there to do the Comal back in July / 05 with a group. We entered the river at Landa RV park, did the river and took the shuttle bus back to the RV park. Worked out real good! I do not know if they run the shuttle bus in the winter
Bill! That's the park I've been looking for, for some reason my Google searches weren't bringing it up, and I didn't know the proper name. Thank you so much for posting, that's where we'll be staying! The shuttle is not running, we'll figure out how to get back. Might just throw a bicycle in the truck. Okay, thanks again, and Ann, thank you also for your help. I'm sure we'll try to dive the San Marcos river also while we're there.

Hi Ann, thanks for asking! Yes, we did go... although, at first it seemed that circumstances were against us making the trip. Donald had lots of customers call him the morning that we were supposed to leave, and due to the nature of his business, it was imperative that he stay and work part of the day. I also needed to finish wrapping some gifts, as we stayed in N.B. until Christmas Eve. We also had trouble with the trailer lights on our new (old but new to us) travel trailer, just prior to leaving.

Soooo, it was very late when we arrived in N.B., and we were both happy to just stay at the hotel and sleep most of the first day (!) Exhaustion had gotten the better of us, so we had a nice day of rest before going out to a nice dinner in S.M. at Outback, then some shopping in the outlet mall. Our son-in-law teased us about sleeping while on vacation, but we wouldn't have rested like that at home and we really needed it.

Second day, we got up to a beautiful, sunny day, loaded up the gear and headed to the river. We had a picnic lunch in Landa Park, then went to the Prince Solms Park and geared up by the car, after I put some towels and jackets down on a picnic table at the exit point.

Walked down the ramp to the river and we enjoyed a great little drift dive, swimming back up, against the current in places so we could drift back down longer. We would find a particularly large group of fish in an area, and would swim back against the current, which is not a frightening current at all, but an extremely pleasant cruise along the river. The Comal is so shallow (I logged 16', but I thought it was only 15'), you could stay almost forever and enjoy the fun. Visibility was awesome, around 20'. We had the river to ourselves, so there was no siltage unless we unwedged a pair of sunglasses or other such treasure.

After a nice long surface interval, during which we met a nice couple who were fishing with their daughter. They had moved from Las Vegas to N.B. and were loving it there. We hung out with them after our second dive, too, and they want us to come stay with them some time in the future. Nice couple, we're hoping yall will meet them some time, after we convince them that diving is awesome. :wink:

The dives were full of life, lots of bass, perch and even some Texas cichlids. (Not angelfish, Archman. :wink:) We even saw this huge plecostemous, he was at least 2 ft long. That was cool. We saw another that was around 1 ft.

It was such a nice day, that I never really felt cold until it started getting dark, after we loaded the gear and were ready to leave. We had BBQ at Rudy's- very nice people, those... gave me a free stuffed baked potato, just for admiring one! Made complete hogs out of ourselves, there. We had planned to go party that night, but- we felt kinda old when we opted to stay in, instead. But, I was ready for my bed!

The next morning was Christmas Eve, and we stopped for a few gift cards on the way to Tyler, to Christmas at my sisters. Tyler is my hometown, so it always feels like going home. We had a great time, with my kids and their families coming also.

I hope you all had as nice a time as I did over the holidays, this year. We have had a verrrrrry stressful 2005, and it was nice to end it in such a peaceful way. Although, I will ask for those of you who want to, to pray for my son in law (married to my oldest daughter- he is a diver.) He is sick, and we are waiting for test results now, hoping and praying for the best.
And we would love to catch up with you sometime soon, Ann. We are determined to take the Scientific Diver course soon. I looked at some more pics of Spring Lake last night, omigosh. I have got to dive there, no ifs, ands or buts! Extreme visibility, and I'm thinking it will be fun to do some of the underwater work out there. So, you may be seeing a lot more of us, soon. You've got to take us diving on the San Marcos river, and we'll take you on the Comal, also. Deal?
I dove the Comal River today. I put in at the Hinman Island Park in Landa Park. I swam upstream for about 45 minutes and then drifted back. There were about 6 or so other divers there also. Looked like maybe a class was some of them.

The weather was great. Outside temp was 75 and water temp was 74.6. I saw lots of fish but no plecostomaus even though I was really looking hard for them. Any suggestions from experienced Comal Divers would be appreciated.

I had quite an entourage with all of the fish following me around

I tried taking movies with my digital camera for the first time. I didn't have new batteries loaded and it drained my camera after three very short movies.

Here is a link to my movies if anyone wants to see a first try. They are about 2.3 MB each. The movie file names are really upper case

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