Helmets While Diving Anyone?

Have you Ever Worn a Helmet/Hardhat while Diving?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • No

    Votes: 28 75.7%

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Cincinnati, Ohio
After reading the "death in Palau" thread I got to thinking.

Everything we do from the moment we wake up and get out of bed has potential risks. Bottom line....... Life is Dangerous!

I'm new to diving, just got certified in Feb 03'. But I'm getting to the point where I'm not a Noob in the whole Life thing (26yo). I realize that I'm not indestructible like I once thought.

I've been snowboarding for several years. I've busted my head plenty of times. I've now decided that I'm going to purchase a helmet.

Did you know that before helmets were required wear for soldiers more of them died from accidental head wounds (falling down etc.) than from actual battle.

When Diving I would think the possibility of a head wound is pretty high, even in tropical reef diving, let alone wreck/cave diving.

It's one thing to bump your head and go unconsious while on land. It's a whole new level of risk underwater. :wacko:

Do any of you wear helmets / hard-hats?

There is actually a helmet listed on www.liesurepro.com. I don't know that it's specifically designed for SCUBA, looks more like a Spelunking helmet to me, but it must work.

Are there any other helmets out there specifically designed for SCUBA?

I don't think the risks from banging your head while boarding or skiing are remotely close to those for scuba diving.

I don't think a helmet is necessary for most types of diving, including cave diving. If your skills are practiced and perfected, you should not be bumping into anything.

And for gosh sakes, please don't hang a light on one of those things. On the last Florida dive I went on, the DM had one of those stupid helmet lights. Every time he looked at us, he blinded us. So the next time, I just shot my HID in his face. No problem after that!!
Sump divers often use them. Partly because they will be dry caving after passing the sump. Because they need their hands free to see the cave with they usually use head mounted lights also.
QKRTHNU once bubbled...
When Diving I would think the possibility of a head wound is pretty high, even in tropical reef diving, let alone wreck/cave diving.

And the wound would be from head-banging the coral, rapid ascent from directly underneath the boat, sticking your face in a moray's hole, or ????

Why do you think this is a high probablilty injury?

ps: I DO wear helmet when cycling...has saved me serious injury twice...damn cars.
Many types of commercial diving has high risk of head impact (and contaminents in the water as well), thus they use their diving helmets for hardhat diving to protect their head. In most normal recreational diving, the chance of head trauma is really really low. If you are going to dive in an area of high current that may cause you to bash against something beyond your control (like the Palau reef hook dive), then sure a helmet is a great idea. Same if you are diving somewhere that things have a good chance of dropping on you, eg because of unstable rock formations or drunk people at the pier tossing bottles.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...
Sump divers often use them. Partly because they will be dry caving after passing the sump. Because they need their hands free to see the cave with they usually use head mounted lights also.

That might be the only case that I would think a helmet is necessary.
I needed that today, thanks DD:D

You know, with the amount of money spent on all those little lights, an 18 watt HID can light probably wouldn't be far off.
When Diving I would think the possibility of a head wound is pretty high, even in tropical reef diving, let alone wreck/cave diving.
I don't see this a reason for concern, the possibility is slim. If you are bumping into things and creating opportunity for a head wound, I think you have some skills that need to be worked on. Work on the skills, don't try to solve a problem that should not be there with unneccesary gear.

edit- I do wear a helmet for the rescue work that I do but that doesn't count for rec diving. You haven't lived until you pullled fiberglass and wood splinters out of your head.
The DAN report would show any recorded deaths due to head trauma. I haven't gone through it in that much detail to remember seeing anything along those lines. Like others have mentioned, I don't think the probability is high enough to justify its use. Although while getting back on the boat after my very first ocean dive in 1991, the lady on the tag line behind me ignored the DM's order to wait several feet clear of the diver ahead (me). As I was riding the ladder up and down in rough seas, taking it one step at a time, she got under me, and the bottom of my tank glanced the side of her head. Luckily, she suffered only a nasty lump and the startling removal of her mask by the bottom of my tank. The DM chewed her out for ignoring the rules in the rough seas. That's the closest thing I've seen to a serious head injury in the water.

Safe diving to all, helmet or not!

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