Hello and welcome. Another site with good info. is http://www.diversalertnetwork.org/ and http://www.scubamed.com/divmed.htm When I first signed up for dive lessons, before I took the class I learned that I was a diabetic. When I first went to my doctor,who by the way is a diver also, she told me that I could not dive due to being diabetic.What helped me was to print out the info from the two sites listed above and take them with me and to talk with her about it. Evan though she was a diver herself she was not aware that some of the medical issues once thought to be contradictive to diving have changed and some people with these issues are able to dive with the right precaution's being taken. My advice would be to print what info. you can find and try to find a Doctor knowledgeable in dive medicine and talk over you're daughters condition with them.