The past is the past, and you are LUCKY! I'm also new to diving. Based on what I've read I am surprised by a few things:
1) No understanding of what depth the OW cert suggests (60ft BTW).
2) No dive plan.
3) No idea of how deep you were.
4) No idea how long you were down.
The concepts of danger at depth, plan the dive - dive the plan, and monitor your air/BT/depth on a constant basis were VERY clear in the material, and repeated in the classroom, and on every dive by the instructors from my OW. We also did a bit more than 20 ft (35 on the last dive) and that was at altitude.
Just because you are with a group, does not guaranty save diving.
I'm not here to be your mommy, or flame, or spank you for things in the past. I would however suggest you take some time to watch the video's and re-read the OW material on dive planning, and DCS.
People here are generally a friendly bunch, but they take safe diving VERY seriously, so understand that the comments are ment as constructive.
Since you have been hit once by DCS, I would suggest you read some of the accounts on it. One chamber ride means you did not get hit bad. The next time, it could be MUCH worst, and COZ is famous for deep wall dives, so you need to be careful.
You made quite a "SLASH" upon arrival!!
I didn't use someone else computer. After the dive and I started getting symtoms on the boat, one of the other divers checked his computer to see how deep we actually went. And I don't feel like I dove out of my control. At no time did I feel out of control.
After reviewing my dive dive table, it looks like I should have followed the "emergency decompression" rule. It says "If a no decompression limit is exceeded by no more than 5 minutes, an 8 minute decompression stop at 15ft is mandatory." I did not do the 8 minute decompression stop.