Hello from Tampa Town

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SM Diver

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Tampa Bay
I am a newbie diver, newbie board member, and will probably pose newbie questions. This seems like a cool place to hang out for a new diver, and I have already received some great tips.

I have fished for years, but just recently bought a Venture 34 with twin Yammies for trips to the Florida Middle Grounds. So I was thinking, yes, this is a great fishing vessel, but what a great dive boat it would make, too. I've always wanted to dive, so now is the time. So, I registered in the SCUBA OW couse, and here I am. I just bought my first piece of equipment, too. A Suunto Cobra.

I'd like to learn to spearfish, but mostly want to enjoy the beauty of the water. Therefore, about 90% of what I "shoot" will be to capture on digital media.


Scott in Tampa, Florida
Welcome from your neighbor in the Central part of the state. Have you dove the barge off of Sarasota with all of the HUGE Jewfish??? A definate must see!
Netdoc: No, I havn't dove that yet. That sounds like a great dive, and I'd love to photograph some Jewfish. Are you talking about a sunken barge that is now an artificial reef? I'd love to see it.

Wisgal: Hi. Things starting to thaw out up there? I drove through Wisconsin to visit a friend on mine in the Twin Cities. Went through Madison and the Dells on the way to MN. It's too cold to get in the water up there (at least for me). I bet your wetsuit looks a lot different than mine. I always heard those WI folks were hardy, though. :boings:

Well sure we are hearty people. The bigger the heart the warmer ya feel :D

You probably passed right on by my hometown on your way if you took the route I'm assuming you took. I work in MN.

I haven't had alot of experience diving locally yet. But the experience I have had, I dove with a 7mm and it was too hot for me at the time til I hit a thermocline of course, kinda felt like air conditioning til my lips turned numb.. lol But hey, the colder the water the better the viz.. you should try it sometime, wakens the senses and clears the sinuses.. :crazyeyes
welcome to the board where all your scuba questions can be answered:)
You might want to check out the Tampa Bay Spearos Club. Combination of free divers and spear fishers. Doing a lot of fishing in the area is what got me back in diving, I was tired of looking down 40-50' and watching the Amberjack swim by my bait and figured diving was the proper solution.

You should be able to find Jewfish (Now known as Goliath Grouper) on most of the wrecks/reefs in over 30' of water, they will thump their gills if you get too close.

You should like the Suunto Cobra, I had to go with a less expensive computer, having just purchased an nice back-inflation BC, regs and skin gear.

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