I did what they call Gorgonia 1 and Rainbow reef with Arab divers. First site we had to swim a fair distance of almost dead reef to see a gorgonia maybe 1m across and a couple of pinnacles. The highlight of the second site was some underwater electricity cables connecting Jordan to Egypt. I am 100% sure the cables themselves near the coast are actually buried under the sea bed and what we could see were actually some concrete beams to protect the (buried) cables from anchors etc. For example the beams we dived around were running parallel to the shore - the cables would run perpendicular. The guides insisted these were the actual cables... Anyway, compared to the Egyptian side of the Red Sea (I just happened to dive there few weeks before my trip to Jordan) I found the reefs in Aqaba (at least at these 2 sites) much inferior.what dive sites did you visit? cause aqaba is a really nice place and who did you dive with?
The police officer at the checkpoint couldn't speak English except repeating "welcome" at a rate of about once every 10 secondsregarding the highway ticket connecting amman to aqaba you could have persuaded them to forgive you and not fine you, i got caught twice during the detour and just said 'i didnt know sir, im not jordanian and didnt distinguish the detour from the highway' and it worked like a charm.
regarding the fixed camera the people know where the cameras are and slow down near it then speed up, and yeah no one cares cause the fine isnt that high to begin with, next time you visit i recommend that you use jetbus to go from aqaba to amman cause honestly the road is dangerous and use a rental inside the city, and how did you managed to drive 3000km in 10 days! lol
As for the camera, in the picture it was clear that I was driving in the middle lane at (I think) 72km per hour (speed limit was 60), while another car (clearly visible in the image) was overtaking me from my left - obviously going faster than me...
I found driving around Jordanian roads quite ok (I have survived few 1000s km driving around Indonesia). We had with us 2 kids with clothes for both hot and cold weather (Amman and surroundings were around 10-15oC during day time, Aqaba around 20-25oC). Hence moving around with two kids and suitcases and stuff by buses or similar was not an option for us.
Welcome once more and all the best...