Hello from Beaumont Area

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Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hello everyone

I just ran across this message board and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I have been watching/commenting on several of the forums and I am planning to come check out your Twin Lakes Dive site, hopefully no later than next weekend.

A special thanks to Dee, who provided me much useful information on TL.

Dive often and Dive safe

Come on down!!..........And welcome CaveDiver.:)
One more for the pond would be great!We also meet on Wednesday for a mid-week,afternoon/eve. stress reducer.If you get a chance; your more than welcome.
Hope to get wet with ya soon :D .
Welcome to the board! It's good to see more Texans joining in. Hope to see you at the Twins soon.

Thanks for the welcome everyone. Sorry, but I am afraid Wed is outta the question. I work until 6 and TL is a 2 hour drive for me. I would come check it out Sun, but I got a chance to go offshore spearfishing, and welllllllllllllll, you do the math. [:]-)

Dive often and Dive safe

You're right down the road from me John, I'm in Nederland - if you ever want to go to TL, let me know, I have been trying my level best to be out there every Wed and Sat to dive with the group & have gotten pretty much used to the drive at this point.

I actually found this board thanks to you. I was using the computer at Diver's Den and they pulled up this website that they told me you had logged on during one of your visits there. I am taking a recertification course in CPR from the Red Cross next saturday, and me and a buddy are planning to head up and check out TL after. A lot of evenings after work I stop by the dive shop, so maybe I will see you in there soon. I have kind of informally been working on my divemaster cert, so I usually sit in on a classroom session or two throughout the week. If you are interested in going Sat, let me know. CPR Class starts about 9:30 and I am expecting it to take a couple of hours, so hopefully we could be on the road by noon.

BTW, went on a spearfishing trip today, but didnt see anything worth shooting. Viz was great out around Rig 311, but closer in, viz was quite variable. Water was warm, and little to no thermocline at any of the rigs we dove. Gulf was as flat as I have seen it also, with rolling 1-2 swells. No fish, but still great diving!

Dive often but dive safe


Forgot to mention... I know you are a new diver and if you need a dive buddy anytime let me know. Diver's Den knows how to get in touch with me and I am usually up for any dive, any time. I am off on weekends and evenings (after 6, sometimes a little earlier). I even enjoy going to Smith Lake because it allows me to keep in practice on bouyancy and anti-silting techniques and I have started to throw some type of line work in on any dive that I do there now. I have my own gear and my tanks are usually filled, so I can be normally head out on a moments notice if I have nothing else going on.

Dive often, Dive safe

I'm sure I'll run into you sooner or later at Diver's Den - I'm going to finally have a bit more time on my hands and will be able to stop by the shop and visit for more than 2 mins like I've been having to do lately. Thanks for the buddy invite, same for you - if you're short a person, I can dive pretty much at a moment's notice (have to rent the tanks) as well.

I haven't been out in the Gulf (diving) yet, Chuck has a group going out on July 6th that I'm going with, and I think he has another on the 16th that I'm contemplating going on as well.

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