I wasted what little time I have remaining by posting the following to welcome a mid westerner to the far west where men are men and recreational diving began
Over 65 years ago, during and after Korea I was stationed at Luke AFB in Glendale, Arizona .
Lead by the late Christopher "Kit" Horn, who had briefly worked at Rene Sports (US Divers -now Aqua Lung) we made Bill Barada designed CO 2 spear guns from surplus items. ( I still have the spear gun and authored an article
"The Magnicent Gas gun" in my dedicated column
"The way it was" in the now defunct
Discover Diving about 30 years ago-- time flys by )
Ernesto Zarasota had promoted the first and only
"Inter American -Mexican spearfishing meet" at San Carlos Bay in 1955 - won by John Gaffney of NADS fame. We heard about it and Zoomed off to San Carlos bay to spear fish.
In retrospect we were the first divers in Phoenix and all of Arizona and the first out side of the competition to dive San Carlos
So many memories of dives and good and great friends long gone
Del Mar dive shop in Mesa has a dive operation in San Carlos- including a boat ! They also have periodic trips from Mesa via bus to San Carlos...Check out Del Mar
While in the shop there is a rare gold plated JBL spear gun high upon the wall....under it in a frame is an article I authored once again for
Discover Diving titled
"The Man with the Golden Gun." in case you happen to visit Del Mar -- and I hope you do .
So many years ago ...
I have had so many good spearfishing trips to Puerto Penasco aka Rocky Point . It is very shallow with a huge tidal change.
With the shallow water and tidal shift along comes fish ! Big fish !
I have so vividly imbedded in my memory of a trip with my best friend - My self ! I would go out in AM shoot some fish trade/give to the locals in exchange for meals. One meal was a fish stew So rich and savory - I still recall it after all these years !
Rocky point is no longer the area I once knew but now over run with the trappings of modern society
And those were tha dazz of our dives
Sam Miller, III
FYI all the persons mentioned in the above post are now diving on the big reef in the sky--sad !
@Marie13 CE
@MAKO Spearguns
@Scuba Lawyer