+1 for upgrading your insulation. I resisted this for too long and was never truly warm as a result.
After a long struggle with being too cold in my drysuit, I think we've finally solved the problem with the Fourth Element Halo 3D. I do have a low-tech heated vest that helped but didn't really get me all the way there. It's made by Quiksilver, cost about $100, and is designed for surfing. I would strongly recommend this over chemical heaters because it has two heat levels and can be turned off through the drysuit if necessary. Once I bought the Halo (I was formerly in an MK1), I started leaving the heated vest on the boat because it made me too hot (!) in 12C water.
Layering sounds good in principle but can really affect your mobility. In a thermal shirt, the heated vest, and the two layers of MK1, I struggled to reach my valves. It's a lot easier in just the shirt and the Halo. I don't know what kind of insulation you're currently diving, but if you can, I would upgrade that first. Budgets are budgets, but like pretty much everything in diving (I'm slowly coming to learn), trying to compromise on price often results in a compromise on quality or performance.