All questions regarding health issues and diving should be presented to DAN
DAN Divers Alert Network.
Hi h20dragon1,
I'm curious. If this is the case, then what do see as the reason for being of this Diving Medicine forum?
And, if I might, a few words about the "Call DAN" reflex. While it often is a wise idea to inquire of DAN, a world-recognized organization, one needs to appreciate the likely limitations of doing so.
For example, when one contacts DAN they first, and often only, speak with a paraprofessional (e.g., registered nurse, diving EMT). These folks often simply thumb to DAN's medical FAQs ( and read or email a paraphrasing to the individual. They frequently are quite busy and give the briefest possible reply. For understandable reasons, DAN provides very limited direct physician access. As such, the answers received from one of the experts on the Diving Medicine and Ask Dr Deco forums are likely to be longer and more informative than the responses from DAN, even when both are in essence correct.
Also, these forums typically afford more opportunity for rapid give and take between participants than is the case with DAN. Finally, links to previous board threads on the topic, professional magazine and journal articles on the topic, and other reference sources are often given on this forum, another nicety not usually provided in a DAN reply.
And, as do our forums, DAN occasionally gives a rather shaky response. For example, DAN's reply to a recent inquiry about the possible effects of massage on divers seems to be quite weak and disappointing (
It would seem wisest to inquire from a range of sources and see how the opinions rank based on the factual and theoretical support given an opinion, the thoroughness and clarity of the response, and similar factors.
DAN is a very worthy and valuable organization, but it in fact is not the be all and end all of diving medicine fact and opinion.
I fully agree with TSandM that "DAN is an excellent resource for acute diving injuries, and their website has quite a few good articles on it about medical conditions and medications. But I don't think, in the case of something like this which is not urgent, that there is anything wrong with asking for advice from other sources, and turning to DAN if you can't get the information you need elsewhere. This particular question was an easy one to answer."