You guys have it easy. It is much easier to figure out now because the right example is there if someone seeks it. I took some sort of deco procedures class from o'leary before nitrox was really available outside of your own garage and realized what a disaster it was. So, I went to Florida and took my cave class with JJ who was still using a benjamin manifold and diving a neoprene drysuit. So, I wrote him off as a stroke and had to go figure it out on my own. <G> (At the time, my no overhead experience course to full cave took the same amount of time as Cave 1 does now and it was the best course available by far.) Prior to GUE, JJ was about the only known quantity out there and there were only a handful of mentors (mostly WKPP gas divers) that were actually useful. You really did have to struggle through figuring all of this stuff out and talk the more experienced guys into doing dives with you that usually involved a level of harrassment that is too unsafe to be practiced today. What Halcyon did for gear was amazing too, and, if you understand the history, better explains their initial hickups in quality. Before, you had to modify everything or have it custom built to make it work properly. Now, there are numerous competitors to Halcyon that make, at least some, gear that works out of the box.