That sounds like a review written by an inexperienced diver who was probably perceived as "going off the rails" on a cruise. By his own admission he was sleeping somewhere he shouldn't have been apparently without the permission of anyone.... although he incorrectly thought he had permission at first I guess. Going on about how deadly it would be to dive 1.4pp02 on nitrox destroys any credibility he might have had.Hi there.
Me againStill looking for a LOB for Raja Ampat.
A boat I tried to book through may not sail, and I was given a few alternative options, including La Galigo, whose dates work better for me.
Having seen a review (Review: La Galigo Liveaboard ) , I wonder what people's experiences have been since mid 2017.
Anything you could share would be much appreciated.
Thank you x
I don't know anything bout that particular LOB, but that review does not sound extremely credible to me. It sounds to me like the guy had a run-in with someone on the boat after the "sleeping in the gally" incident and decided to take it out on the whole operation after the fact. Find more reviews. If there's a trend, then fine.. maybe something wrong with that operator. If not, at least it's not a part of the aggressor fleet so how bad can it be?