Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!!!!!

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Chandler, Arizona (aka the DESERT)
Have lots of fun today! But most important...STAY SAFE!

(Who'll be having a backyard BBQ with lots of pals sweating to death in our kiddie pool and watching the fireworks!) :uncysam:
Well, I am at work for the next ten hours, but after that, time for some fun! Happy Independence Day to you too!
Happy Birthday USA

from a neighbour to the north (of most of you)
Happy Fourth of July!

Enjoy Friends, Faiimily, Food and Freedom!

If you aren't with your Friends and Family - I hope you are with the fish!
Flag went up with the sun this morning... after coffee, we headed down to Pike Road, Alabama, for a good old fashioned small town Fourth of July parade, where the Lovely Young Kat and my Mother rode the "Dan Jones for Sheriff" float to kick off his campaign as the Republican nominee for the MGM county sheriff's office.
Parade ended at the local Ace Hardware & John Deere store, where we all said the Pledge of Allegiance, after the invocation. The mayor and Dan had a few patriotic words to say, and the Baptist preacher closed with a prayer for God's continued blessing on the community and the country.
Off to my sister's for the family gathering... brother-in-law Rusty had ribs cooked slow over a wood fire; fresh silver queen, green beans, 'tater salad, slaw, plenty of cold beer, half a dozen homemade cakes & pies - finished off with hand-cranked homemade ice cream. I *rolled* outa' there.
Fireworks at the local country club...
A fine Fourth indeed.
Happy Birthday, USA.
Rick :)
Had a great small town celebration here too. Three days of celebrating. We call it Border Days. Watched the parade, kids gathered up candy!!! Then I drove the fire engine at the end of the parade (I'm on the local volunteer fire department). The kids got to make the horns on the fire engine go off. Helped set up for the fire work display then I got to help light them off. Thank goodness for freedom!!!!!

I'm jealous! Sometimes I just wish I lived in a small town to do things like that! But we had a great time! Grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, and ate some apple pie too. Yummmm....and what better to go with apple pie on the fourth than watching a baseball game? (Ended up with a few tickets to go see my Diamonsbacks beat the Gaints....free no less!)

We all had a great time and watched the downtown Phoenix fireworks from my roof top. They were GREAT! (And one of those times I was glad to be a music major...had to buy the 1812 Overture on tape for a music history class!)

Glad y'all had fun!

A belated "happy July 4th" to the USA members, and thanks for the good wishes from our divers from other places.
I got back from a week in Bermuda about 4 hours ago (diving,of course), and it was interesting to be there on the 4th- took some good natured kidding from Bermudians, Canadians, and a few (to use their terms) " Brits and Aussies" .

Hope you all enjoyed the day-be it a holiday for you, or not.

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