Happy Birthday Tiggrr

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Tiggrr, :balloon
You are the best!!! I hope this is an awesome day for you with EXCELLENT diving.

Wish I were there to help celebrate it!



It was definately an awesome day with excellent diving and the only thing that could've made it better would be ..... you and the other cold fig leaf'r sharing in the festivities.

We were in Lake Huron out of Lexington. The waves in the am were 8-10 ft and brutal. The 1st wreck we went to took forever to get to and then, we couldn't hook on.. so we went to the Angina. It sits in 75 ft and the top starts at 40-45... it also sits upside down. Anyhoo, by the time we got to the site and were get'n gear'd up..
it was too late....barf city. All 4 of us just tore it up. 1st time get'n sick but, to be honest... I was just so happy to be divin'.... didn't care in the least bit. Also had a great dive buddy. Don'cha just love buddy's that make you want to be a better buddy too???

Anyhoo, it was a bit chilly 45-50..but not as bad as I thought it was going to be and NOW I can't wait to dive here again!! Let me know when the next time you guys are doin the cold water thing... I even got me a 7 mil so, I'm ready.

Yep, it was a good b'day. :D :D :D :D
:jump::partytimeHAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACEY!!!!! :party2: :jump:

I hope you had a great day diving today, and can't wait to hear how you faired in cold water!

Your nutty, goofy friend,
Mel :D

THANX MEL!!! U ROCK!!!! :D :D :D
hey Tracey - hope you have a tiggerific birthday with lots of cake

hugs and kisses
S :arrr:

Mmmmmmmm, I love a guy who makes me think of cake.... mmmmmmmm chocolate cake!!! :07: :D
Tracey Happy Birthday, I wish all the leafers were together to celebrate. So have yourself a happy B-day and remember EAT MORE BEANS, THE MAGICAL FRUIT, THE MORE YA EAT, THE MORE YA TOOT!

Hey Cush!! At least we all have each other here on SB. :07: :D :07:

You remind me of the icing on the cake to diving. You can pee in your wetsuit, burp a LOT, snot a bit, and puke... and its all acceptable. I love diving. :07:

PS Did you know farting ruins your bouyancy????
hi there and happy bday:)

Well hi to you too! Thanx for the B'day wish. :D
Hey Cush!! At least we all have each other here on SB. :07: :D :07:

You remind me of the icing on the cake to diving. You can pee in your wetsuit, burp a LOT, snot a bit, and puke... and its all acceptable. I love diving. :07:

PS Did you know farting ruins your bouyancy????
You made me giggle with this one!!!!!

Pure Tiggrr!!!!

I'm thinking that we need to get you into a drysuit. :wink:
Winter diving. :D :D :D......the season never ends!!!!

Soooo happy you had a great birthday and great birthday dives.:dance:
And even happier to know that you're enjoying testing all sorts of buoyancy control methods. :xeye: :yuck:

It was definately an awesome day with excellent diving and the only thing that could've made it better would be ..... you and the other cold fig leaf'r sharing in the festivities.

We were in Lake Huron out of Lexington. The waves in the am were 8-10 ft and brutal. The 1st wreck we went to took forever to get to and then, we couldn't hook on.. so we went to the Angina. It sits in 75 ft and the top starts at 40-45... it also sits upside down. Anyhoo, by the time we got to the site and were get'n gear'd up..
it was too late....barf city. All 4 of us just tore it up. 1st time get'n sick but, to be honest... I was just so happy to be divin'.... didn't care in the least bit. Also had a great dive buddy. Don'cha just love buddy's that make you want to be a better buddy too???

Anyhoo, it was a bit chilly 45-50..but not as bad as I thought it was going to be and NOW I can't wait to dive here again!! Let me know when the next time you guys are doin the cold water thing... I even got me a 7 mil so, I'm ready.

Yep, it was a good b'day. :D :D :D :D

Happy Belated Birthday!!! Glad you got to go diving!!

I was gone all weekend diving in the St Lawrence River (1000 Island Region). Even got to do my first scooter dives on the five wrecks we did! WOO HOO!! :monkeydan :dance: [never thought I'd use these dance smilies, but they're danged appropriate for this]

Our waves were pretty bad too.... something in the magnitude of 8 to 12 INCHES.... :D Water temp was 68 - 70 degrees F..... awesome!!

We'll have to get you down from some late season diving in Oct/Nov. I think Pue is doing her advanced class sometime in Nov so you should come down and help harass her!!

later, bob
Ahhhhhh! I suck! Happy Birthday Tracey! Even though I'm late... or am I really early for next year? Remember- You're in Alice's!

OMG that drove me nuts all day..... :D

And I disagree. YOU"RE IN ALICE"S and the radio waves are kickin.

You Rock Kev.

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