hand signal to say "equalize your mask!" ?

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Gainesville Florida
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500 - 999
I was not their divemaster, I was just the "buddy" besides, I called the dive & brought everyone up the ascent line at 30ft per minute, where we did do the 3 minute safety stop, the total dive time was 13 minutes...no one really answered my question.
no hand signal for (specifally) equalizing your mask ? but alot of second guessing and back seat divers...to those of you who did try, you have my thanks, to those of you who feel I was slack in my responsibilities, well, wonder what all your dive profiles would say about ya, if looked at with that kind of holier than thou attitude.
but if it makes you feel better, I AM more careful and picky about who I do or don't dive with.:no
You could get him to remove it and clear it, but how you do that is another story. :D

Or you could just point to your nose and show him bubbles coming out of your mask and them point to him to imitate you. This might actually be easier than kicking the mask off of his face. :wink:
I make them look at me while I put my finger on top middle of my mask, and then I blow bubbles out of my nose. Then I make them do it. Once it equalizes they give me the "OK, I got it, thanks" look.

Or you could just pull a DIR, and pull the mask off his face:11:
Just make sure the unequalized pressure doesn't rip the eyeballs out of his skull, that one's tough to explain on shore..

Cheers :D

I would pull out my underwater notebook and write them a message. Or a slate. You should have something to write on/with when you dive.
Mike Edmonston:
Or you could just pull a DIR, and pull the mask off his face:11:
Just make sure the unequalized pressure doesn't rip the eyeballs out of his skull, that one's tough to explain on shore..

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
interesting, I constantly exhale through my nose and mouth UW.
as brought to my attention by an esteemed college, I alternately exhale through my nose and mouth, while inhaling solely through my mouth (regulator)
did all that...he just kept signaling "Ok" "OK" over & over again...lookin right at me with his hicky face, should'a mentioned that...thanks though

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