In the "near incidents" I've witnessed at the surface over the years, a diver can get in trouble, forgets to or cannot inflate their BC, begins to panic and completely forgets their training. It seems that every year several divers drown this way. Often within a stone's throw of shore or a dive boat.
If a buddy is there, alert, and close enough to get them calmed enough to drop their weights (or do it for them) they live.... if not, we read about it here.
Best wishes.
When I got my Cert the Instructor made it a point to say that the skills drilling was over for the course, but insisted that skills drills should be a part of every dive to help them become second nature. I understood what he meant, but after reading about incident after incident where people panic and forget, I understand what he meant even more.
Here is to this particular forum drying up from lack of events to report on.