Here the dive report for the day from my point of view. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed diving it.
This days diving came way of the post by SantaFeJoe looking for another chance to meet up with us silly divers who keep it local at Haigh Quarry. Thanks Joe for posting the dive. It was great to meet you.
I arrived at Haigh at around 7:30 to check in with Tina and get my gear ready to go. Once I parked I realized that I found a spot next to solo.diver and reallydg by pure luck. After the introductions were made, I saw dwightfrie on the other side of the changing rooms with his dive shop. He was not going to dive with us in the morning as he had DM duties with a class of open water students. Next, mgictwnger introduced himself and I knew that the surface interval was going to be a party. Mandy was the next to arrive and I must say it was nice to see her again. Finally SantaFeJoe made his arrival known and we all started to gear up.
Dive one started at around 9 am with the 6 of us aiming for the Flamingo. We descended to depth at the swim through tube and realized that we lost SantaFeJoe and Mgictwnger before we even got started. Reallydg surfaced to find the missing two but after a few minutes there was still no sign of them. We really weren't all that worried since 1) they were buddied together at the start of the dive; 2) the quarry is only so big and you can't get lost; and 3) reallydg did not find any helicopters on the surface while he went looking for faces or bubbles. Reallydg descends right on top of us and claims to have seen a paddle fish, however as the saying goes, if there are no pictures, it never really happened. Its not that I don't believe a man of the cloth but I want pictures next time. Especially since the paddle fish was supposed to be right above us. Anyway, the 4 remaining divers all head to the flamingo which was within eyesight at this point (It did not take long for the viz to get nasty but at least it started out pretty decent). After a few minutes of playing around at the boat, we all take a reading with our compasses and look for the LARC. All of us were watching our compasses as getting "misplaced" is common for me in the quarry. Once we goofed off at the LARC for a bit, we swam toward the truck. Until this dive, the truck has been an enigma for me as I have attempted to see it several times but never quite made it. But again, 4 divers with a compass and a heading, the odds of seeing the truck were in our favor. Additionally we had a DM in our group so it made it a little easier. Mandy started to get cold on this dive so she stayed a few feet higher than the rest of the group to try to find the thermo cline. After playing around the truck, we decided to all head back to the road and end the dive. Once we found the road we did a nice safety stop /swim along the road for 3 minutes and surfaced just to the side of the entry point. It was a great dive and lasted around 40 minutes for a max depth of 51 feet. I also had a depth temp of 47 degrees.
After a lengthy surface interval of intense ribbing against SantaFeJoe and Mgictwnger for losing us before the dive began, it was decided that dive two would be on the shallow side since the water temp was a bit warmer and Mandy got cold on the first dive. Also, she had half a tank so instead of wasting the fill we just stayed shallow. While we were hanging out, we picked up another person to dive with. Andy came out with 44 lbs to dive with a 7 mil wetsuit. After complete amazement, we suggested that he do a weight check to make sure that he actually needed all that weight. Solo.diver took charge and did a weight check with Andy and sure enough 20 lbs was enough. After making sure that we had a group of 7 this time, solo.diver led the team around the shallow side. Classes were in full session by this time so the viz was pretty cloudy. Jason led us to the port-o-potty then to the rock crusher. We hung out there for a bit as we tried to corral our group. It is a lot harder to dive with 7 people than you think and with crap viz it is even harder. Once we all were in place again, we headed off for the swim along the quarry wall to the drill, cement frog, and the sleigh. It was a nice swim and once Mandy hit 500 psi we surfaced right next to the road and our entry point. The rest of the group stayed down to finish up the dive but they must have missed Mandy and I as they surfaced not to long after us. I clocked the dive at about 42 minutes with a max depth of 26 feet and a water temp of 57 degrees. Compared to dive one, this was key largo water temps.
We must have been crappy buddies as we lost Andy during the surface interval after dive two. I am going to think that we just wore him out by diving him in circles around the quarry. SantaFeJoe had to take off and do other stuff that we were not invited to so we said good bye and got ready to go again. We did pick up Jepuskar and Dwightfire for dive three so we cant be all that bad. And since we all were thoroughly rinsed by the same quarry water, there was no way it was the smell that drove them away.
On the surface interval we also realized that Mandy was one dive away from getting her Master Scuba Diver Certification so it was unanimously decided that she would lead dive three. Especially since she is going to be starting her DM course work as well. So dive three gets started with 7 divers in the water and we are supposed to go the Flamingo, then to the LARC, then go look for the Quarry drain plug since this was a special dive for Mandy. Before we even got to sinking, jepuskar calls his dive as his gear is acting goofy. Something about the rebreather free flowing. Sounds bad and since we like jep and don't want anything bad to happen, it was best that we leave him behind. So 6 divers descend to the flamingo with Mandy leading the way. After a few minutes of swimming Mandy had to surface to check our location. After repositioning we made it to the Flamingo. At this point we had 6 divers. We played around a bit and then heading to the LARC. The viz was pretty bad but certainly diveable with a working compass. Mandy is a speed racer when leading the dives as well. She and her jet fins were on a race course to the truck. Ummm, we were supposed to go the LARC but ended up bypassing it and heading right to the truck. Since I had only seen the truck once, it was worth another look. At this point I realized that we lost one diver. Mgictwnger got to following the wrong group of buddies. The pink fins were not enough in that crap to see and he got sidetracked by something shiny and misplaced us. After playing around a bit I decided to surface on the buoy of the truck since my tank as a bit low. I was doing pretty good on my air consumption for the dive but instead of playing around with it, I called the dive. Lo and behold, dwightfire decided to call his dive as well. After the fact, he tells me that he was cold and opted to surface with me instead of continue the dive. We were quite a bit of distance from the road but had a nice surface swim laughing and joking anyway. On our swim to the road, mgictwnger come up also and we got to laughing about him being color blind. Not that I think he is color blind but it is really hard to miss the pink fins even in the distance. Once we arrived on the road, the rest of the group popped up right beside us. It was a great dive and we had a lot of fun. Even on the SI when Mandy got the brunt of the good natured insults on her lost highway at 100 mph.
At this point, everybody called the dive day except me and solo.diver. I refilled my tank and solo.diver took out his doubles and after an hour long SI, we went over to the shallow side for a short dive around the rock crusher to see how his doubles felt and mess around with the camera. We dropped down to the platform and followed the line to the next platform. From there we followed the other line to the rock crusher. Once we arrived at the rock crusher, we swam about it for a while and then solo.diver stated to take some pictures. While there, the fish were messing with us. The Crappie was head butting my hand and going for solo.diver's camera. The bluegill were playful and in your face as much as ever. There was one very large muskie hanging out on the top of the frame of the rock crusher. Solo.diver got a few shots off on that one and then he filled his memory card. We left the rock crusher and followed the line to the platform and then swam up the road until it was too shallow to swim anymore. This was a great dive with a great buddy. It was short at 30 minutes but worthwhile in that I was able to work on my breathing and getting more comfortable with my buoyancy. Solo.diver looked good in his doubles. He looked comfortable and his buoyancy seemed pretty good to me.
So the day ended with another bunch of dives with some pretty great people. It was nice to see some new faces as well as the faces as I have seen before. Thanks again everybody for making this day a great one as well as beign great dive buddies. We might have not always came up with as many people as we went down with but at the end of the day, all of us got in our cars and drove away from the site with a few more stories and a lot more laughs. I look forward to the next diving day with our little clan and hopefully we can pick up other SB'ers to join us as well.