Haigh quarry - Aug 21st.

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A few friends and I are heading to haigh quarry tomorrow and I heard it can get really packed with divers on the weekends. Just trying to plan when to get there and in the water before it gets to crowded. Thought about getting there at 7am...but it's a 2 hour drive and really don't looking forward to getting up at 5am haha

How packed is well packed? There going to be 50, 100, 500 divers there or what?

Anyone got a guess of how many show up on the weekends typically?

Crap after posting I think it would be better under the central US sub forum..I'll have to ask a mod to move it..
On most weekends during the summer you will find about 100+ divers out at the quarry.
Get there early , by 7 or 8 am .
Dive the north side of the quarry first, before the classes go there and mess it up.
Vis is better the farther you get from the west side, and the swim platforms.

I will be out there by about 8 am this saturday.

Thanks, Jim breslin
I want to be out there at 7...8 at the latest, but I have a feeling my leach... err I mean my 2 dive buddies that are car pooling with me are going to screw me over. They didnt' want to get there till 10am. If there is a drowning at haig at 11 it was I'm going to confess now I did it. I cut their air lines at the deep hole. :)

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