I also don't like guided dives.
The biggest problem with a lot of divecenters is that they never see divers that can dive on their own. When they teach, they still only teach guided diving, even if they teach courses like aow, deep, sidemount or whatever. They also are not used to solodivers which can be a safe way to dive.
In my country every diver goes on their own after the ow course. That is normal here. So we are used to it.
The arguments like it is local law, blabla are most times just lies. And if it must be done, a good guide can just guide the direction, but let people further dive on their own. Then it is a guided dive, but it is not limiting anyone.
I never paid for a private guide and I will never do. I am certified for everything, so also to be a guide, and am instructor myself with probably more dives than most dm's that guide dives. I don't go up if others in the group have drained their tanks. This is a question I always ask before I book: Do I have to go up if someone else has drained a tank and I don't? The normal way is that just that diver goes up and the rest can continue diving. If this is not an option, the divecenter is a no go for me.
Sometimes I gave them a bad review on google. They just want to earn money as soon as possible. Also divetimes of only 45 minutes are not normal. At least 60 minutes for a recreational dive.
So tell a divecenter that you don't pay if they don't follow what they promise before the dive. Yes, it can end up with a discussion, but you have told them.
I have had some bad experiences, but happely most divecenters I visited are ok. Yes, of course I first asked the questions over a chat or email, so I could ignore the bad centers.
And yes, sadly I also have experiences where they promised things but did not do when I was there. But then tell them what they promised and also tell them you will write a review on google.
Most times you get a discount.
Of course I will also write good reviews if divecenters act like they have to act.
Going to a techdivecenter as technical diver will not always solve the problem is my experience. In most cases they have more options, but sometimes the recreational divers are the biggest income and then you get limits in your technical dives. A divecenter with only technical divers can be the choice then. But they are not always available. If I want to do just simple shore dives with my camera, I don't need or want all that equipment. I just need a tank and know what I am doing. Dives will be shallow, no deco, but can be long. So then a technical divecenter is most times not the best choice then. A lot depends on what kind of dive you want to do.
Good places to do solodives or dives with your buddy without any person who is looking at you are Bonaire or Curacao. Just rent a car, rent tanks and dive. Also no checkdives.
I have never done a checkdive. A checkdive must be in my eyes a normal dive, maybe they can spent 1 minute to see if someone can dive, but you don't waiste 5 minutes on doing skills. That is only for divers that haven't dived for a longer period. Also you don't charge for a checkdive if you want to do it on just sand. And you do it before real diving starts, so no time is waisted. If divecenters write about a mandatory checkdive, I will ask them about it and also tell them my rules as paying customer. So I never had to do it. Only had 1 time a discussion, but ended up with not doing that 'dive' that had to cost 40 euro.
But most divecenters don't do checkdives if the last dive was a week or less before arriving. In my case the last dive was most times the day before arrival.
I think the option of guided dives is for sure usefull. If divers are unsure, please go with a guide. But the lesson for divecenters must be: accept that there are divers that can do dives without a guide or can do it solo.