Guess which island????

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Nope neither one.
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Did Guam and Oahu slide over to the Caribbean?:)
detroit diver once bubbled...
Did Guam and Oahu slide over to the Caribbean?:)

I was under the impression that mid-thread we started a new contest and the Caribbean only applied to the first contest...was that a mistake?

Did we ever get an answer to the first test?

I"m guessing Jamaica, or St. Croix.
Natasha once bubbled...
Someone gave me these clues and I posted them here. I didn't make them up myself.
I also thought it could be Trinidad, because that is where I thought the steel music started. And I thought it could be Tobago because the diving is better there, then Trinidad.
But now they have secretly told me it is Jamaica.
But shhhh it's a mystery trip for some people so we can't let the cat out of the bag.

So let's make up our own new one ..OK? Ready? Read the next post.


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