Guess which island????

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Chicagoan living in Texas
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I'm a Fish!
Here are the clues. Take a guess, or give us clues to your island.

Isle of Steel Drums

Where did Caribbean music originate?

Native tribes still roam these shores.

Columbus may have visited this island on his second
Divers and non-divers attracted to come here.
Natasha once bubbled...
Here are the clues. Take a guess, or give us clues to your island.

Isle of Steel Drums

Where did Caribbean music originate?

Native tribes still roam these shores.

Columbus may have visited this island on his second
Divers and non-divers attracted to come here.

Natasha - you wouldn't be using the collective wisdom here to solve a puzzle elsewhere, would you? :wink: :D

Anyway - I guess Jamaica.

Steel drums were first seen in Trinidad, but Jamaica is to known be the home of reggae.

Columbus did visit here on his second voyage.

Arawaks inhabited Jamaica, though they did have settlements on other neighboring islands.

Eveyone loves Jamaica mon. :)

Did I win anything?

Marc :jester:
I recently read an article about St. Kitts, and Christopher Columbus, named the island after himself. Also, there live Rasta Men living there and they herd sheep or goats. I am taking a shot at St. Kitts as the island in question.
Someone gave me these clues and I posted them here. I didn't make them up myself.
I also thought it could be Trinidad, because that is where I thought the steel music started. And I thought it could be Tobago because the diving is better there, then Trinidad.
But now they have secretly told me it is Jamaica.
But shhhh it's a mystery trip for some people so we can't let the cat out of the bag.

So let's make up our own new one ..OK? Ready? Read the next post.
This island is 3.5 times bigger then Washington DC.
Bananas and Coconuts grow there.
There is a college on the island.
It has both forests and beaches.
oh, forgot to answer the rest of the criteria: Guam has a college: the university of Guam.

I'm not absolutely positive about bananas and coconuts, but I'm pretty sure they had 'em when I was there.

It definately has both forests and beaches.


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