Where you need to be to take Fundies depends on what you want out of the class.
I try to talk people into taking it in a single tank for a rec pass. To do that, all you really need is the required equipment, and enough comfort with it to be able to hover and do the basic 5 without sculling or losing buoyancy. If you MUST pass, you also need to be able to control descents and ascents so that you can stop where you want, for as long as you want. Once you have a rec pass, if you decide in the future that you want to do technical training with the agency, you can upgrade to a tech pass at any time, although it may require bringing an instructor in or going to one, if there isn't one local to you.
If you are doing the class simply to get clearance to get into GUE technical training, it's a whole different kettle of fish, especially if you cannot easily manage a reevaluation. But I think people are a lot better off taking the class earlier, and starting to build good habits from the beginning.
I understand where you are coming from and would take the class sooner if I didn't have a GUE mentor in the area...luckily I do. I also have 50Phantom and Lone Star Underwater Explorers only 4 hours away to aid in the process.
My original intent was to take GUE Primer and Doubles before Fundies, and that is still a possibility; however, I'm learning quite a bit from my mentor.
I do plan to take Fundies in doubles and shoot for a tech pass. Do I realize that the number that initially get the tech pass is low? Absolutely, and I won't be ashamed or disheartened if I only get a rec pass, or a provisional.
That said, my strategy is simple. Being right in the middle here in TX, we have no GUE instructors around us to speak of. Bring one to TX? Again a possibility, but I'd rather take the class in clear water instead of our low vis lakes to avoid adding another "stressor" to the mix. Since the general consensus around our group is to head to High Springs, I decided that I might as well shoot for the tech pass. Another reason is vacation time for my teammates. While I am lucky enough to schedule 4 days whenever I really want to, my teammates have already scheduled a lot of their time for the year. I'm certainly not going to stand in the way of a family vacation to take a GUE class.
In a nutshell, if we are going to High Springs....we are going in doubles and shoot for the tech pass. We are lucky enough to have a GUE mentor with us now (who is also a PADI MSDT) to point out our mistakes and guide us along the way.
Safe dives,