guanacaste / tamarindo - costa rica

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200 - 499
hello, im going to costa rica with my family in just under a month. i was wonderign what the diving there is actually like. how warm is the water (how thick a wetsuit is good?) and also whats the vis like? boat or shore? and anything else you think may be of use.

we are staying at the bahia des los pirates. has anyone been there? if so how was it? can u recommend a good dive op there?

thats all i can think of right now, thanks in advance.

Hi fungi3001,
I haven't been to Bahia Des Los Pirates, but I think I can safely say that the diving won't be quite what you're used to if you've been diving in the Carribean. The vis isn't quite as good, and it'll probably be quite a bit cooler. I'm guessing the temp to be around 70-72 degrees, so depending on your tolerance for cold, you might want to go up to a 5 mil suit with a hood or beanie. The "up" side is the fact that the West Coast of Costa Rica is known for its "big" stuff. With luck, you'll see very large rays, whitetips, a bull shark or two, dolphins, turtles, etc.

I have to admit that I'm not an expert on this area, so you may want to wait for some additional folks to chime in with their opinions, information, etc.

Have a great time, and make sure you take some time out to see some other parts of the country.
:newbie: :newbie:
Hey Guy, greeetings from Southern California!
We were diving in Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste, Costa Rica in August.
We were extremely pleased with They were professional and safety was a priority. They are genuinely friendy group. The owners Billie Joe (an hospitable Texan) and her husband bought the place from Bill Beard a few years ago. Night diving was very cool. Day visibility was not the best, but there were always surprises around the next coral. Water temp= a bit cool but not bad. 30 minutes from Liberia airport. Have fun! cathey
hello, im going to costa rica with my family in just under a month. i was wonderign what the diving there is actually like. how warm is the water (how thick a wetsuit is good?) and also whats the vis like? boat or shore? and anything else you think may be of use.

we are staying at the bahia des los pirates. has anyone been there? if so how was it? can u recommend a good dive op there?

thats all i can think of right now, thanks in advance.

Fungi3001...I've dove a few times in Costa Rica....Now i'm not exactly sure where this place you're staying is located...I know it's in Guanacaste area. The diving is really good..well, at least the times i've dove there...with viz. about 80 or so, and I've only dove with a skin suit and i was fine and i'm one that gets cold easily. Now is the summer months there so the weather will be good, in Guanacaste day temp. could reach in the upper 90's. I can't not say what dive op. to use since again not exactly sure where this place is located. but, i can say that the diving is good with lots to see from Whitetips, rays, morays etc. so, good luck and if you would like more info. IM.
thanks for your help,

however , both a 5mm and a dive skin have been suggested. fairly different suits - so which is more appropriate?

thanks for your help,

however , both a 5mm and a dive skin have been suggested. fairly different suits - so which is more appropriate?

Water temperature from mid-May to mid-December is generally from 75°-78° at depth. From mid-December to mid-April, water temperatures vary from day to day, with thermoclines causing temperatures to dip to 70° at depth.

Everyone has a different tolerance to cold. For me, a skin wouldn't be enough at these temps.

thanks for your help but could someone please put a number on a wetsuit. i own a 3mm steamer and a 5mm two piece ( steamer with shorty on top ), im guessing either the 3mm or 5mm shorty will be fine, but dont want to take both.

also just heard that a 2 tank boat dive is $80. both my dad and i dive so this is going to be an expensive trip - is there any shore diving or (much) better deals to be had?


I did a boat dive a few years back in Tamarindo without a suit. Vis was not great at 40' - 50'. Good variety of fish and small sharks. You would be lucky to find good shore diving, in my opinion. However, you may see some Humpbacks this time of year.

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