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Hello, I am a new diver located in TN,USA.

I have just completed my OW, signed up for ADV. So far I have only dove in Quarries, but I'm heading to Florida at theend of the month. While there, my wife will be finishing her OW. We have a trip planned to Jamaica in Nov, where we plan on diving together.

This is somehting I always had a distant interest in and I'm really glad I choose to do it. I'm planning on going at least through Rescue Diver ASAP.

I am a Police Officer and several other cops in my area dive. There is some talk about banding together nad participating in the many training activities that are available to Public Safety Divers.

I am really interested right now in getting our gear together (see posts in relevant areas). We are having trouble finding fins for the wife (small, narrow feet). I think that we are going to try to the XS Bio Fins next. I tried several fins and didn't find anything that compared to the effortlessness of the Bio's. Even if they aren't a snug fit on her, I'm betting that the reduced resistance will really help her. I am also trying to put together two good Reg set-ups without breaking the bank.

We are both avid surface hunters and shooters and I want to particpate in Underwater Hunting, but I sense that it isn't very PC in most diving circles... even though the initial development of SCUBA is all about killing fishies. Seems like a lot of people don't like being reminded of that. oh well.

As an Admin on a UBB board covering another hobby of mine, I now how valuable this resource will be to me.. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys....
Well, welcome to the board. As you say, you'll learn a great deal here.
Welcome Duca,
This really is a great place to learn,and share info.
Good luck in Fla.,and be safe "on the job".
Welcome Duca,

Kick back (or forwards if you want to do it right) and enjoy the good company. If you need anything just ask. We have a great wine list. (I could name their names, but they have been protected till proven guilty) If you are hungry we have a variety of foods including Iguana and Shark.

So enjoy! And if it is not toooo much trouble could you send me a ticket to join you in Florida. I really won't be a bother, I promise.

(come on guys back me up on this one, if it works we can all take turns begging and I will support you too, but not like an under-wire as they are quite uncomfortable)

I think I need help!
What part of TN are you in.

Hey Duca, though I've already said welcome to you elsewhere, I guess it wouldn't hurt to say it again eh!

There's plenty of manufacturers you can go with to satisfy your needs, let us know where and how often you intend to dive, and we can more definitely help you sort through the dizzying choices out there.

Though hunting isn't PC, I openly participate. I do so because I hunt responsibly and don't hit anything I don't intend to eat. Spearfishing doesn't even amount to a single percent of the fish taken from the water on a daily basis. At least as spearfisherman/people we are on their turf, and don't kill anything by accident unlike commercial fish boats do every day.

These boards are very friendly, though people can disagree, it never gets ugly. So please don't ever hesitate to tell us how you really feel! :D

Hello DUCA, from Arizona the all beach no ocean state
Welcome Duca.....its nice to have you on board!

Everyones lovely you have probably already keep posting and we'll all keep smiling!

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