Greetings from Perú

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Hola, Luisefe,
Mucho gusto.

Bienvenido from the Great Lakes.

My current spanish teacher, Rosario, is Peruana and has told me Lima is a beautiful city. You'll have to let us know how the diving is.
Welcome to the board.
This is a great place to hang out and continue to learn. Hope you enjoy it here.

Mike M
Welcome from NJ!
This is the place to ask-and tell-about scuba.
Good luck ,and enjoy the Board,
and a Warm Welcome from sunny Arizona

That is wonderful that you are learning to dive. :party: I feel like you and wish that I would have learned long ago, but look ahead and make the most out of every dive that you take.:dazzle:
Welcome to the best scuba board around! You'll have tell us all about your dive adventures!
Ber :bunny:

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