Greetings from Perú

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Perú, SouthAmerica
Hello/Hola a todos

My name is Luis Felipe and I am glad to register in your site and have the opportunity to greet everyone.

I am writing from Lima, Perú a country of many contrasts, full of beautifull people, with great diving places.
Right now I am in the process of becoming a PADI Open Water Diver, wich I would have done before if new that it was possible here.

I am an ocean lover since I was a kid, first as an apnea diver, later as hunter diver and now I am please to go further on and explore a world of newadventures.

These coming month I have a diving trip with my best friend to Santa Marta, Colombia, were I think I will have the experience of my life (in fact a great change coming from 15ºC to 28ºC).



PS. Un saludo especial a todos los miembros peruanos, espero logremos estar en contacto.
Hi, and welcome to Scubaboard from Rochester NY.
There are a lot of helpful, freindly people here. If you have any questions just ask away.
Keep us posted on your training progress, and have a great trip next month. Of course, we want to hear all about it when you get back.:wink:
Well, I should be one of the first person to congratulate him since I convinced him to go PADI and also told him about the scubaboard and I have know Luisefe for almost 30 years.

We have known each other since 1st grade in school, graduated together and studied at the same University. We have been best friends since I can remember and I have snorkeled and speared with him and our very close knit of friends several times. Also, we have done all the typical growing-up things boys do (I won't go there).

So he and his wife are joining us into diving into Santa Marta in Colombia for a week. And, it happens that my wife and his wife are sisters!! Actually, it was Luisefe which introduced me to her after I moved to Peru again.

Luisefe is just finishing his PADI and will keep you posted how it goes in Santa Marta, Colombia.

Bienvenido Luisefe!!!!!!

Un abrazo,
Welcome from Texas. I look forward to hearing about the diving in and around Peru.

It's nice that you and Guillermo will have so much together...sounds like you guys are true buddies!
Hi Luisefe:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe ......................Arduous
Welcome Senor,
I have visited beautiful Lima Peru many times over the years. It has always been one of my favorite places. I miss not being able to visit for the last ten years or so.

My contact in Lima is a very fine gentleman named Branny Zavala and family. If you know them tell them to come see me and I will teach them to dive (sorry, but this will be a NAUI course).

I did not know much about diving in Peru but please tell me more. I would love to dive a place no one in the upper 48 hardly evers goes to.

Como dijo Guillermo, iBienvenido!

Peru huh? I hope one day that I will get a chance to dive (and hike!) there.

(and that's about all the Spanish I can handle in one sitting!)

Best of luck to you and your wife with your OW certification - yayyyy... two more scuba junkies to add to the masses!

Would love to hear a lot more about diving in Peru and Colombia. Keep us posted.

An I extend a warm welcome from Canada. Glad to have you join us.
Hola luisefe!

Welcome to the board.
Cool to hear from someone from Peru! Been to Latin America myself a couple of times, mostly Argentina, but have always wanted to visit Peru.
Am curious: How is the diving/spearfishing over there?

Good luck with your OWD and have fun on your trip!

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