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We're leaving Saturday for Roatan. Air temps low 70's to high 80's and water temps close to 80...perfect!

I've got some new slide film I want to try out so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Hi guys,

Welcome to the lust. Just curious, did you ever go on the Eagle's Nest? I used to crew for them.

Dee, I'm drooling! You're off to Roatan and I just finished shoveling 14+ inches of snow. I must have gone wrong somewhere. :)

Hope you have a great time! I'm sure you will, I know you love it there. I started shooting slides last time out when we were in Curacao. Even got myself a Hewlet Packard S20 scanner now that scans slides. I recently picked up some Fuji Velvia to try (topside) and waiting for a good day to shoot some . When we go back to Curacao in June I will be bringing both Fuji Velvia and Fuji Provia F 100 to try out underwater. I recently started taking a photo course given by the New York Institute of Photography. I really like it so far, should take about a year to complete if I can ever get OUTSIDE and take some photos! Hope you like the slide film you picked up, I'll bet you get great results!

Hi Eric....nope never been on the Eagles Nest myself!
I liked it really well for 35mm and wide angle but for macro it's a little too red. One photo of an Arrow Crab looks like he had red longjohns on! Let me know what you think about it.

I've never tried the Provia F so I'm looking forward to your opinion of it. I'm going to try Kodak's EV100 (is that it?) We used about 3 rolls of it in Coz in the photo class and I want to fool with it a bit more.

Your photo course sounds awsome. Bet you get plenty of snow photos! Has the fluffy stuff stopped? 14" doesn't sound as bad as they were predicting but way more than I want to deal with. Heck, I don't think I've ever SEEN that much snow!

Hello Eic,I have been on the Eagles Nest several times.maybe you should think about coming up to dive here.The Eagles Nest is a great of the finest dive boats around here .................but then you should know that already.................Scubaman40
I used to crew on that boat until last season when I moved in Maryland. Had a great time, great people, and great BBQ :-)

I will be back
No, last season I moved to MD.The Wahoo and the eagles nest have been going at it for years. Two big egos, some bad blood and that NY wreck diver mentaility all rolled into one.


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