I think these are all very good info to all; however, my concern is, we are still relatively inefficent in terms of protecting ourselves once we entered the shark's habitat. For whatever reason, maybe the population which are interested in buying devices for shark protection is not large enough to drive the market, or our scientific knowledge is not advance enough to make it happen... the fact is, I cannot see many good ways to protect ourselves, as divers, when a shark has made up its mind to attack.
For example, cannot carry a shark cage with us all the time. According to the report about shark feeding in which feeders are using chainmail, they can affort to have small bite from the sharks, but not full attack (usually after a test bite, if the "food" is too tough, the shark would estimate again for further attack). The chainmail are usually made to protect both hands, depends on the style, sometimes full arms, but to wear a full chainarmour, it's just too heavy for anybody.
There are two major repellent, chemical repellent and electrical repellent.
The chemical one, I didn't hear any good thing about it (e.g. shark showed up ready to attack, the chemical drove it away) nor bad thing about it (the chemical failed and the person die). The electrical one, there were a "shark shixxd" like product before, after an Australian who was killed while using it, the company which made the product was closed. After the incident, people used the same technology (do not know if this is the same group of people) and open another company, and made the "shark shxxld", same technology, currently nobody can prove that this is going to work and vice versa, except we do have a history that a almost exact product with a different product name has failed to work before. Any update?
For example, cannot carry a shark cage with us all the time. According to the report about shark feeding in which feeders are using chainmail, they can affort to have small bite from the sharks, but not full attack (usually after a test bite, if the "food" is too tough, the shark would estimate again for further attack). The chainmail are usually made to protect both hands, depends on the style, sometimes full arms, but to wear a full chainarmour, it's just too heavy for anybody.
There are two major repellent, chemical repellent and electrical repellent.
The chemical one, I didn't hear any good thing about it (e.g. shark showed up ready to attack, the chemical drove it away) nor bad thing about it (the chemical failed and the person die). The electrical one, there were a "shark shixxd" like product before, after an Australian who was killed while using it, the company which made the product was closed. After the incident, people used the same technology (do not know if this is the same group of people) and open another company, and made the "shark shxxld", same technology, currently nobody can prove that this is going to work and vice versa, except we do have a history that a almost exact product with a different product name has failed to work before. Any update?