renpirate:I have felt their pressence on at least one occassion, but haven't seen one myself.
Although they are present around Catalina, and occasionally seen under water by divers, the only time I thought I felt one's presence was last spring while diving Church Rock on the windward side. This is fairly close to the sea lion hauling grounds at the East End.
I sensed something big but could not see anything. Decided to enter a wide crevice and continue filming in their until my tank got low. I was just in 30 ft of water and right near the dive boat.
When I ascended to the boat, the captain asked if I got any good footage of "it." It turned out to be a young gray whale that had hung alongside the dive boat practically right over me. I never saw it.
I have heard a story from one of our local divers who was diving the backside of the island when a sea lion came racing past him at full bore. Shortly afterwards he saw a GWS catch up to and cut the sea lion in half. No camera.