great white in CAL. ?

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norcal, I disagree that surfers would want chumming 27 miles away - these predators move great distances and enticing their behavior to associate food with boats/people could be bad for surfers.

A few years ago PBS made a show on sharks and a segment of the show specifically dealt with Tiger shark attacks in Hawaii. The local authorities caught and tagged sharks only to find that they migrate great distances. The Tiger shark which attacked on one beach could be miles away the next day.
Right, and some GWs were tagged at the farallons, and tracked down to San Diego and halfway to Hawaii. They're nomads.
I'm no shark expert, but I've seen enough baiting of sharks, deer, raccoons, etc to know that a few may stray, but most are going to stay right where the food is. Hince my thought that if the food is in the water at teh islands, the sharks won't be in Santa Cruz.
But like I said, I'm no expert, I'm just guessing.

Now, Associating food with boats is just wrong. You might as well take them all to the zoo, because it's killing their hunting skills...that's a whole different thread I'm sure.
You could be right, the Farallons seem to be teeming full of food (aka Seals/Sea Lions) and with that there probably isn't much reason to travel.

Have you seen that PBS special on Sharks?
They showed one commercial Farallon abalone diver that has been bitten multiple times and developed a mobile surrounding cage that protects him while gathering. The show producers also dragged a a small surfboard behind their boat and a GW attacked it, darn near demolished it.
Not exactly the environment I'd like to dive in...
YES! I don't remember the ab diver, I only cought part of it, but I did see the shark hit the surf board and the seal cutout. It was CRAZY!

This brings up my question about why we never see sharks in Monterey (thank God). They hit surfers at the Mav all the way down to Santa Cruz. There are about a ga-zillion seals in Monterey, you'd think it would be an all you can eat buffet for sharks.

Anyone know?
There are Great Whites in the Monterey area.

Here is the report of an attack which apparently is rare because the shark first made a pass before striking.

I had also heard from another diver that there was an attack at South Monastery beach on a diver. This seems questionable because I recall that area being shallow for quite a ways off shore, but it could be.

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