frankenmuth_tom:Who among us, with one or two thousand dollars worth of dive gear, rolling around in the back of a car, SUV or truck isn't willing to trust you with $14.00 of our money?
LOL ... i don't know Tom, like i said its no big deal to me. The point is, i really don't know any of you in here. So it seemed like a pretty reasonable and logical point to me. But thats just me, i could be wrong. :cheeky:
Actually i'm now thinking your shirt will likely be pink with mauve trim and gold ruffles, in a Seinfeld puffy style shirt .... that is since you trust me so much!

Seriously, who all is still in for shirts besides you, DiverBrian, Big-T and me. I know i'm missing people but don't really want to read back and try to figure out who wanted one. Maybe i missed a bunch but i haven't seen an overwhelming response on people wanting these shirts. We aren't anywhere near the 48 minimum from what i have seen.