Beautiful water today at Venice. We arrived at the beach to find the water was clear, blue and calm. I trusted the NOAA website which reported 85°F water and left my wet suit at home. Turns out, the website was correct. We had a bottom time of 1 hour 35 minutes and I was comfortably warm the entire dive. The sand bar has almost disappeared, so the entry was slightly different today. Straight out we encountered a very large field of fossils, mostly UB's, but I immediately started finding teeth. We saw lots of baby Searobins about 1 inch long. Pipefish were everywhere as were Hermit Crabs of all sizes and we saw a groovy crab I can't identify. I finished the dive with 237 shark teeth, it's been quite awhile since I've had any success at Venice. It's been months since I found any visibility at Venice, today the viz was 15 feet. A perfect day!
Tomorrow I'll be diving offshore with the VSR team.
Tomorrow I'll be diving offshore with the VSR team.