OK... let's see if I can cover some of the details requested here:
1. we were between 1st & 2nd reefs at Airport -- ~25' of water.
2. there were three dolphins (appeared to be family -- one adult, one teenager, and one youngun') They would hang with us for a while, then head off, then within a minute or two be back with us.
3. We're not sure what they were doing with the halameda -- it seemed they wanted a little salad to wash down their lunch with... because it was definitely being consumed. Then they decided to play "toss the grass"
I'm told they really enjoy razorfish -- the ones that dive into the sand at the slightest disturbance... so sometimes the dolphins will dig for them.
It was a phenomenal dive -- we spent about 20-30 minutes just hanging out with the dolphins. They came close enough to touch, and they really were not concerned about us (on open-circuit scuba), the snorkelers above, nor the Subalert sounds... in fact, they seemed attracted by them (or curious at least).
1. we were between 1st & 2nd reefs at Airport -- ~25' of water.
2. there were three dolphins (appeared to be family -- one adult, one teenager, and one youngun') They would hang with us for a while, then head off, then within a minute or two be back with us.
3. We're not sure what they were doing with the halameda -- it seemed they wanted a little salad to wash down their lunch with... because it was definitely being consumed. Then they decided to play "toss the grass"
I'm told they really enjoy razorfish -- the ones that dive into the sand at the slightest disturbance... so sometimes the dolphins will dig for them.
It was a phenomenal dive -- we spent about 20-30 minutes just hanging out with the dolphins. They came close enough to touch, and they really were not concerned about us (on open-circuit scuba), the snorkelers above, nor the Subalert sounds... in fact, they seemed attracted by them (or curious at least).