Great conditions at Redondo Beach today

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999
There were no waves at Redondo Beach this afternoon so I decided to finish off a tank. I swam out beyond the end of the pier and could still see the bottom. I dropped perfectly into the salad bowl and began scouring the algae for signs of life. I found a tiny nudibranch on the end of a stick. I thought it was a juvenile Polycera atra, but when I looked at my first picture I was surprised to see it was a hedgpethi. I had never seen one until a couple weeks ago when we found two.
I would have made a lousy buddy, as I took 47 shots of the little guy over a span of 28 minutes. I may have some algal growth on my drysuit after that dive.
Satisfied that at least one of the shots would come out, I moved on. I spotted a tiny Spanish Shawl in a flower bed of hydroids. Just before surfacing I took one last shot of a juvenile horn shark in four feet of water.
Visibility was an incredible twenty feet, and I was toasty in the 62F water.









Gotta love Black Dorids.

We'll be there Wed Night.

The Fed Ex there look different than Fed Ex any place else. They have these white tips on their Rhinos and are very pale. Must be the Hydroids that grow in 'dondo.

Great viz, man.

Awesome Nudi shots! Just what I needed to get geared up for today's dive. Gonna hit either Christmas Tree or Marineland for today's afternoon high tide. Hopefully conditions are as good as what you've had.
Wed night was great too.

Claudette, Cody and I scooted for an hour or so.

Very, very clear water. TONS of Octos, sarkys and all the usual suspects. North of the North steps at about 70 feet there were a couple of dozen fresh Squid egg baskets.

Excellent dive.

Ah, Dr. Joel Hedgpeth after whom the nudi was named was quite the interesting person. I first encountered him when I started reading Ed "Doc" Ricketts' Between Pacific Tides back in college during the 60's. Joel was responsible for several updates of that classic work. We developed a sporadic correspondence in the early 1980's after MGM released Steinbeck's Cannery Row (loosely based on Doc's life). I would see and chat with him at various scientific gatherings over the years.

Some day they'll name a nudi or something after me.... maybe something like Polycera holywetsuitii.

You might enjoy this from the Sea Slug Forum;
Joel Hedgpeth

Joel Hedgpeth was one of the great icons of 20th century marine biology. His archives contain correspondence with every well-known marine biologist of the 20th century. Joel was a world-class expert on pycnogonids, wrote hundreds of articles and essays (including many philosophical and environmental pieces in the Quarterly Review of Biology, disguised as book reviews), edited the massive volume 1 of the Treatise on Maine Ecology & Paleoecology in 1957, still a gold mine of obscure 19th and 20th century literature and known in earlier years as "The Big Red Book"; edited and authored much of Between Pacific Tides through several editions (and objected very vigorously when Stanford University Press declined to name him the editor of the 5th edition of BPT), became a champion of the rare freshwater Californian shrimp Syncaris pacifica, and monitored the state of the environment from the 1930s through the 1990s. Joel's first scientific publication was in 1939, and he will appear as a co-author of the pycnogonid chapter in the 4th edition of Light's Manual (now the Light & Smith Manual) due out in early 2007 (University of California Press).

Joel took his undergraduate degree in 1933, his Master's in 1940 under S. F. Light (on diaptomid copepods), and his Ph.D. in 1952 under Ralph I. Smith, all at the University of California at Berkeley. His doctorate was on the distribution and ecology of invertebrates along the Texas and Louisiana coasts. Joel traveled extensively, including Pt. Barrow, Alaska; much of Europe; three visits to Antarctica, and one expedition to the Galapagos Islands (producing one of the first essays on the intertidal life of the Galapagos), although he never took a formal sabbatical. He was director of the extinct Pacific Marine Station (Dillon Beach, CA) and the OSU Marine Science Center (Newport, OR), served on innumerable panels and committees, received the Browning Medal in 1976 for environmental stewardship (often proudly pointing out how he had made the "EPA hit list"), wrote Seashore Life of the San Francisco Bay Area, and could speak knowledgeably about thousands of species of marine invertebrates and vertebrates around the world. He was honored in 1976 by a special symposium at the Linnean Society of London (a Hedgpeth festschrift resulting from that meeting was published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society in 1978).

He founded the Society for the Prevention of Progress, and wrote poetry under the pseudonym Jerome Tichenor (for whom he had special stationery printed, showing Joel's famous red squirrel logo, and with an extensive entry at the bottom on a "bardic tradition" that the first environmental impact report was submitted by a delegation of squirrels at the time of Elizabeth I: the stanzas are written in Welsh and English). Joel had an abiding interest in poetry of the sea, and produced a 500-page unpublished manuscript on sea poetry.

Our last extensive conversations were in November 2000 (when Joel and I sat on his couch in Santa Rosa, and turned each page of Seashore Life, discussing the needed revisions), and December, 2001. I last saw him in 2005. In 2001, at the age of 89, Joel still fluidly laced his conversations with phrases in Latin, German, Welsh, and Russian (and expected his listeners to keep up). Joel Hedgpeth lead a long and distinguished career as a scientist, environmentalist, writer, poet, historian, traveler, critic, and philosopher, and represented the grand tradition of an earlier generation who took great pride in the depth of their knowledge of the natural world.

Jim Carlton,
August 1, 2006

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