Mud Guppy
I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this as it may already been kicked around before. I am really perplexed about gray market equipment and Leisure Pro. The reason for being more curious about this topic is I opted to pay mega bucks more for a SP Luna than risk gray market. I am glad I did as SP took the unit back as I had many problems with it. I think I may have had to eat it had it been purchased from LP. I recently purchased SP MK25 AT700 from my LDS and went on line to register and after entering the serial number the LDS name was already linked to the serial number. So SP already knew where that equipment was shipped to my LDS. I have to assume that would be true for all equipment shipped and makes sense to me. I decided to try to register my gray market SP regs and though the serial # was not linked to any LDS SP accepted the serial number and I received and email thanking me for the purchase YADA YADA. Before buying my SP regs I was watching LP's stock of the MK25 and I was really debating in my mind to purchase the regs from them (cheap). But before I dove in to purchase they ran out of stock. A few days after they ran out they had these back in stock so you can buy any off LP's web site or ebay. Having said all of this how does LP get such large quantities of SP products? Why are the serial numbers not recorded by SP on gray market products? Why does it seem like SP has no control over all of its product? How is it that SP records serial numbers shipped to my LDS but not gray market. It seems to me that there is allot more going on than wrist slapping SP and LP. I think SP is selling to LP but denying it and they do so to satisfy the demand of those that want a cheap SP product. In the end SP makes its money as the owner of a gray market has to pay serious $ for parts and a registered LDS purchaser does not. I don't get it...................... What is going on???