I'm sorry about the confusion. I am proud to say that I make it a point to trash other dive shops as well as trash my staff every chance I get. It's makes the days interesting, and you know what they say, "you might as well live life to its fullest because you only live 152 times." In this particular case my dog keeps telling people that our shop is next to the Red Lobster. Bad doggie, bad bitch. That's only because Lassie loves the biscuits there.
We are at the CORNER of N Lamar and 183. On the 183 feeder/access road.
We do have a map, errr--- actually we have TWO maps located on our website. (I figured if one map gets 5 people lost, then maybe 2 maps will get 50 people lost.) ROYAL SCUBA MAPS
I am looking forward to getting my Local Dive Shop, ROYAL SCUBA, off the ground. However, I am timid at the prospect of offending Red Lobster lovers (because my bitch is correct about the biscuits being primo), nonetheless their employees continue to picket my shop because I keep sending them too much business, and my staff continues to starve now that red lobster refuses to serve them.
Why did Red Lobster put their restaurant THREE BLOCKS EAST OF Royal Scuba on the same feeder road. Didn't Red Lobster know that I'd put my dive shop three blocks due west of them twenty years ago when they poured their foundation. How could they not know my intentions.
One way or another, I'm excited just to unlock my doors Thursday late afternoon for our OPEN HOUSE WELCOMING that kicks-off the ROYAL SCUBA GRAND OPENING.
Repeating: everyone is welcomed in my LDS in North Austin.
I'll be looking forward to meeting a few of the Austin Scubaboard faithful that I've yet to meet.
It's good to hear that you will stop by the Grand Opening (if you can find us!).