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Reaction score
charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
Oh man I so happy I hit the waves today. Cub and I went to alhambra after having
new batteries put into our computers. Thanks Steve!! Gorgeous wonderful day. Swim felt good, I put my gear on stood up and thought, hmmmm why does this feel so much lighter then I thought it would. But off we went. Like riding a bike! We hit about 22 ft down and got lots of nice teefies and bones and some really funky looking shells? rocks? something. Steve told me to bring them to u Fossil at the party. They look like concrete or something that poured into a open clam and turkey wing shell then somehow got sealed shut, the shells are gone but the mass is the shape of the inside. Also seen 2 fish we never seen before. One was a bottom dweller. Big about 2ft long about 8 inches wide. Narrow squarish mouth. Rusty red and beige blotchy colored. I thought it was the rocks. I nudge it, the fish twitched. I dropped a small rock on it, again it just twitched. Cub comes over and pokes it (of course) the fish opened its mouth like it was hissing then just crawled?? away. The other was really kewl, it was inside an old abandoned crab trap. It was small maybe 4 inches long black silver and white stripes with a sharp single fin on top of it. It really looked like those
lil shark fish u buy in the pet store. But the only bad part was having to use my back up reg the whole dive. First went under,I was pulling water into the main reg with every breath. Cub checked all the lines and such. Tried it again, purged it, shook it, everything still gurgling water with every breath. So used the back up the whole time. Back to the shop. the blue diaphram thingy was buckled slightly. Steve is my hero!!! lol. Tho he really tried to convince me I needed a new reg. Something about financing his trip to the islands. But I just happy to be back in the bubbles!! cant wait til the party!!!
Looks like the little fishy was probably a juvenile HighHat fish. Very neat. But so far no luck on finding that big blobby fish. I keep looking between scorpionfish to a toad fish but they just dont seem to fit the colors or size.
Also seen 2 fish we never seen before. One was a bottom dweller. Big about 2ft long about 8 inches wide. Narrow squarish mouth. Rusty red and beige blotchy colored. I thought it was the rocks. I nudge it, the fish twitched. I dropped a small rock on it, again it just twitched. Cub comes over and pokes it (of course) the fish opened its mouth like it was hissing then just crawled?? away.

Was this it? One of the stranger fish I have seen...

Sea robin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's a video of one, not the best quality tho...

Glad you are back enjoying diving again!
No not that unless it was a mutant form lol. I wish I had a camera. It will be forever
the one that got away lol. But I have seen the tiny versions of those robinfish.
Smaller about 2-3 in sized ones. I ll have to sneak down to a library and look
thru the books maybe. Looking for ugly, bottom dwelling, blobby dark red and
beige colored fish lol. Cant be too hard.
I did see a batfish out there a couple of weeks ago.
Hey, good to hear your better and back in the water again!

Hope to meet you/see you around venice this summer.
One was a bottom dweller. Big about 2ft long about 8 inches wide. Narrow squarish mouth. Rusty red and beige blotchy colored. I thought it was the rocks. I nudge it, the fish twitched. I dropped a small rock on it, again it just twitched.

Sound like you are describing a Scorpionfish.
Look like either of these?


  • fish1.jpg
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  • pleasure crocker reef3.jpg
    pleasure crocker reef3.jpg
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It was really close to all the usual bottom fish but the colors are off, so unless it
has camoflague ability im just not sure. The red was a deep maroon color he
matched the rocks.

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