got my gear!

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Honolulu, Hawaii
For those that read my thread from last week that started with a question of whether salespeople at LDS' receive commission - and then the topic went into a big sale that my LDS was having this weekend and how did you know when a deal was too good to pass up - well . . .

I went.
I saw.
I bought! :D

Ok, I know that my original plan was to rent first, then make some decisions. I had a real short list on what I was interested in purchasing. However, I called around last week to inquire at different shops locally to see what kind of gear they rented. Unfortunately, none of the gear they rented was on my list.

I went to the sale, intending on looking only at Suunto dive computers (I had experience with them during my OW cert and was happy with them) - but ended up getting:

Zeagle Ranger BC
Suunto Vyper in console with SPG
Apeks T20 reg
Some Aqua Lung octo (had it during OW cert and it was ok)
3/2 wetsuit

The Zeagle Ranger was on my short list - and when I saw that it was 40% off - I had to get it. Same with the Vyper. They were each about $200 off.

The Apeks reg was also 40% off - while I was originally interested in the TX50, I figure that I'm a novice and only plan to dive pretty shallow - when I increase my skills I can upgrade.

The Aqua Lung octo was 50% off - used it during OW cert and it'll serve it's purpose.

The wetsuit was clearance and only $60 - it fitted well and I figure I couldn't go wrong at that price, not to mention that I'll probably own many before I'm done.

Met and spoke to some great people at the sale - mostly dive masters that were helping out. Also, as I don't know anyone who dives and am looking for buddies/opportunities to go out and practice my skills, they told me that I could tag along on their OW class dives and buddy up with a dive master.

Next thing is to get wet! Merry Christmas to me! :D
Looks like a good gear list to me! Beast and I have been diving Zeagle BC's for about 4 years, my Concept and his Ranger, and we're both still pleased with them. He also uses a Vyper. Did you get a compass? The Suunto SK7 is a good one.

Congrats on your first gear. And it's perfectly acceptible to sit around your living room in full gear! Just remember that you have fins on your feet when you run to answer the phone. Oh yea...and try to avoid that porcelan headache from backrolling into the tub. :D
Also, as I don't know anyone who dives and am looking for buddies/opportunities to go out and practice my skills...
Next thing is to get wet!

Oh, you poor thing. Are you offering volunteers a place to stay? I can be there Saturday! Aloha!

Congrats, and may it bring you many happy memories!
Originally posted by chepar
The Apeks reg was also 40% off - while I was originally interested in the TX50, I figure that I'm a novice and only plan to dive pretty shallow - when I increase my skills I can upgrade.
And when you do upgrade, don't throw away the TX20. It makes a good stage bottle regulator, or you can replace the Aqualung safe second you mentioned.
Also, as I don't know anyone who dives and am looking for buddies/opportunities to go out and practice my skills, they told me that I could tag along on their OW class dives and buddy up with a dive master.
As well meaning as the DM's were, I would definitely check with the instructor/shop owner before showing up to "hang out" during o/w class dives. Some of them might be kinda funny about you being there during class.

All of the instructors that I dive with usually tell me to stay out of their way when the class is in the water. I'm allowed to hang out and listen while they are on land, but they want their DM's focusing on the students when in the water.

Keep letting the ScubaBoarders know where you are and I'm sure we will find you a regular buddy soon enough. Also be sure to find and join the local dive clubs. That's how I found a few of my regular buds.

Actually you have a 1st class reg now, if and when you decide to upgrade all you need to do is get the TX50 2nd stage. The T20 1st stage is, if I am correct is Apek's US4 which is THE reg to have in warm water.

Yes be aware of the fins and the phone.:)

Does your need for a buddy include and asked a place to stay? This time of year Hawaii is the place to be.

Please let us know how your gear works underwater..:bounce:
Good point, TexasMike.

I was kind of wondering if it was going to be ok with the instructors when the DMs made their offer for me to tag along. I will definitely clear it with them first.

I'm also looking into a dive club here, I just need to find some dives that they're planning to do that aren't beyond my capabilities at this point.

Anyway, for those planning on coming to Hawaii - c'mon down - I'd be thrilled to meet you! Don't forget - this time of year the water's still warm! :jester:

I was suppose to go TDY to Hickam AFB in October but Osama and his evil band put all high dollar low stress trips for the military on hold. If things in the great beyond slow down, I might get to reschedule my trip. We were suppose to stay at the Outrigger Reef last time. If it looks like I am going to get to come, I will message you and would love to help you break in that new gear! Uncle Sam will be paying for my room and board so all I will need is a dive buddy!

Hope to see you soon!

:bunny: KC_Scubabunny :bunny:

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