Got a Nexus D7000! Anyone has a manual?

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When I received my 'New from the Dealer' Nexus D90 housing, there was no manual with it. But I never found the need for one either.
Maybe there is no manual...not certain.
Hi Charlie.

I did a bit of hunting on the Interwebs to try and find some documentation for your housing, but came up empty. Couldn't even find a useful photograph of the housing, and there was nothing useful on the Nexus website. Documentation has never been their strong suit, but not to worry, their housings are well made, robust, and reliable.

I've had three of their housings for several years for Nikon F4 and D2X cameras. All of them have thousands of dives on them, and with one exception, (a broken gland for the focus knob on my 200mm macro port,) have been trouble free tools. I do however have a few general notes that may be useful for you.

1) I don't tamper with any of the housing O-rings, and do not pull the housing apart for annual servicing. I've never replaced any of the main body O-rings, and others are only replaced when wear is readily apparent. Virtually all of my diving is made off of boats, so if you dive from the sandy shore, you may need to be even more vigilant.

2) Use the Nexus grease for the port O-rings, and keep those rings well lubricated. All of the ports that I own are the screw on type, as opposed to bayonet mounts. I do not remove these unless I fell the need, about as often as I see a blue Moon.

3) I can't clearly see how many latches your housing has. I'll assume that there are only a pair, one each on the right and left sides. To close the housing, secure both latches at the same time. Likewise, when opening the housing, release them both at the same time. If there are more than two latches, post up some more photos of the housing, and I'll provide some more commentary.

4) You may need to remove the plastic protective cover for the camera's LCD screen before you house it. Failure to do so may not allow the housing to close properly. I know that this was required for the D2X, but cannot be sure about your camera. Can't hurt to do so in any event.

5) Dive safely, have a mess of fun, make some wonderful images, be kind to children and small animals, and leave only bubbles behind you, (until you get a closed-circuit rebreather.)

Dear OceanEyes,

Thank you very much for your great advice and for taking the time to write your inputs, I really appreciate it:)

Yes, I removed the LDC protector and everything seems to work very well, I am quite happy with the housing and the decision to go for the Nexus system, its light, compact and very well built. This housing has only two latches so I open/close at the same time...

In regards to the o-rings, I have not yet remove the main housing o-ring as it seems a bit tight and no space for my thin plastic card to fit/help remove it and I don't want to force it at all, unlike to o-rings from the ports which are much easier to remove for greasing and insert again.

Did you have difficulties removing your main housing o-ring or do you just grease the half visible part of it without taking it off ? How often do you remove it once regularly diving with it?

By the way, you can check more detailed pics in this link from a distributor Nexus D7000

Here a first pool test samples (heads >0.5cm) . I am using a Nikon 60mm + 1.4x.


Thanks again and warm regards

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Wonderful detail on the ersatz Garden Eel. Thank you for the link to the Anthis Taiwan website. It did not appear on my browser during my search, and is much more informative than the other sites I've visited. As for the main housing O rings: I cannot recall ever removing any of them. (I try an use the word "never" very infrequently.) I know that I've yet to remove that ring from my "newest" housing, the D2X, which I've had for at least 5 years. I examine it each time I open the housing and inspect it for dirt, grit, lint, hair, (something I've got very little of,) and make sure that it's clean. I also check to see if it seems to have developed any small cracks or if it's overly dried out. I only touch it up with a very small bit of grease when I get the urge to. Figure if I'm doing 4 or 5 dives a day, I may lubricate it once a day. I've often gone a week or so without greasing it at all. As you may construe, I've yet to replace it as I've never found the need to.

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