GoPro - Not impressed

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Reaction score
North Essex, UK
# of dives
100 - 199
You'll all be pleased to note that I haven't bored you silly with any diving videos recently. Let me explain why...

My GoPro Hero underwater camcorder is suffering from an O ring problem. I've exchanged numerous emails with the manufacturer who are simply refusing to supply a replacement O ring (even with me offering to pay for it). They insist I have to buy a whole new housing (lots of money) instead of a tuppeny O ring.

That is akin to having to buy a new car because a tyre is blown. I know a blown tyre isn't a warranty problem, but you'd expect to be able to purchase a replacement. Entirely ridiculous.

I'm not in the habit of paying to be raped, so I won't be buying a new housing.

So I now have a GoPro Hero (minus waterproof housing) which after the grand total of four weeks/seven dives is useless, it's now just a paperweight.

I really can not recommend a GoPro to anybody. Product quality for me is not just about how good or if something works, but about how the manufacturer responds when there's a problem. In this case, I think GoPro should move their headquarters to Sicily - I think they'd fit right in.

I've read about a different underwater video system (a contour HD). I think I'll save up for one of them. It will be dearer than a new housing for the GoPro, but I won't feel like I've been raped when I order it.

Ever so slightly p'd off,

What makes you think the o-ring is the problem rather than a defective housing?
Your GoPro kit should have come with several housing back plates. Use one of those o-rings.
I don't know if your just blowing off steam or what but seriously man, if you have a problem with the o-ring then it should be a warranty issue and gopro will have no issue replacing your housing free of charge. Like has been said you do get a pair of back plates with the gopro and you can always use the other one. If its not a warranty issue but something you did to it then you will have to spend some money.

Your choices are

You can buy a new housing for $39.99

If its the O-ring that seals the lens you need replacing you can buy a replacement lens kit for $19.99 which gives 2 lenses and 2 o-rings Lens Replacement Kit - GoPro Official Store: Wearable Digital Cameras for Sports

Or a contour hd + a waterproof case for another $39,99 and throw your gopro away.
Some people may call that a self raping :D
Hi All,

Thanks for the input - the O ring is actually the one which fits between the lense and the housing. I lost it whilst waiting for replacement of a flat lense (or it was stuck to the underside of the old lense when I sent it back)
Entirely my fault - but as I said above I wouldn't expect to have to buy a new car because I lost the keys (although I would expect to pay for new keys).

From memory, it isn't a standard O ring, it is flat with a raised centre, so probably custom to the GoPro. I asked GoPro support specifically about the lense replacement kit - but they said no, I need a housing (in the photo's, the O rings in the kit do not look like the right one but it is difficult without the original to compare to).

GoPro have stated in an email to me "...the warranty does not cover lost items or products damaged due to aftermarket attachments. This is the reason I keep bringing up the warranty issue, and I hope I've made it our stance and policy clear in this situation".

That is a perfectly fair policy as to warranty replacements - but I'm after buying the O ring, not a warranty replacement. They're just simply refusing to sell one.

I will try a hydraulics shop who will carry a range of shapes and sizes - but I fear it will very much be trial and error and lots of testing the case without the camera until I find one that does the job. Again, possibly hours of messing around when all I need is a tuppeny O ring which I'd be quite happy to pay 5 or 10 dollars for.

Thanks for the input all.

If GoPro is going to include lens seals in the lens replacement kit, why would they include the "wrong" seals?

They are the correct ones. And yes, they are custom formed so you won't find an appropriate replacement at a hydraulics shop.
If GoPro is going to include lens seals in the lens replacement kit, why would they include the "wrong" seals?

Sorry if I wasn't very clear, I asked GoPro whether the rings in the lense replacement kit are the right ones, their reply was "you have to buy a new housing". On that basis, I assumed they're not the ones I need. If you've had a replacement kit and can confirm they are the correct ones, I'll go ahead and order one. I haven't got one here to compare the photo with so was basing my assumption on GoPro's statement about needing a new housing.

Bear in mind, I'm in the UK - so prices are a little different. It will cost me the equivalent of $40 so not something I'd want to get wrong. $40 is still way too much when I only want the seal. Okay, I wouldn't be buying a whole new car - maybe just the engine for want of a fan belt.

They are the correct ones. And yes, they are custom formed so you won't find an appropriate replacement at a hydraulics shop.

I was just going to experiment with an empty housing - trial and error really :)

Yes, I have the kit and have already used one of the washers. And while $40 may seem expensive, it is far less expensive than having the wrong washer make it through testing and then fail 30m down.

And if $40 is still too expensive maybe you should try a different approach. Rather than jumping in with a negative post as you did here, you might try a more positive appeal to the GoPro users of the UK or EU community to see if someone has one they can spare, either from a kit or maybe even a busted housing.
Yes, I have the kit and have already used one of the washers. And while $40 may seem expensive, it is far less expensive than having the wrong washer make it through testing and then fail 30m down.
Yes indeed. But thanks for the info - I'll order a lense replacement kit. That still begs the question as to why GoPro told me I need a new housing.

And if $40 is still too expensive maybe you should try a different approach. Rather than jumping in with a negative post as you did here, you might try a more positive appeal to the GoPro users of the UK or EU community to see if someone has one they can spare, either from a kit or maybe even a busted housing.

I wouldn't say I jumped in, I exchanged a number of emails with GoPro support over the course of a week or so, and asked (nicely) on a general GoPro forum for info about the seal - and or seal sizes. With no joy from either I then posted on here- I'd say it was a pretty negative experience, and yes, as a result my post will reflect that.


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